Flu vaxx – is it worth it?



What’s More Dangerous? The Flu? Or the Flu Shot?



27 March, 2022 – Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness Estimated at 16 Percent

Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults

Flu Misinformation and Coronavirus Fears: My Letter to Dr. Sanjay Gupta

CHD Asks Journal to Retract Study Saying Flu Vaccines Protect Against COVID

Pentagon Study: Flu Shot Raises Risk of Coronavirus by 36% (and Other Supporting Studies)

Influenza vaccination and respiratory virus interference among Department of Defense personnel during the 2017–2018 influenza season

Beware of Flu Shot Misinformation from Your Health Care Provider!.

Beware of Flu Shot Misinformation from Your Health Care Provider!.pdf

How Scientists Use Statistical Deception to Fake Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness

Beware Of The Flu Shot Bullies

Epidemiology of respiratory viral infections in children enrolled in a study of influenza vaccine effectiveness

Flu Vaccination Associated With Increased Viral Shedding

Flu Vaccine for All: A Critical Look at the Evidence

Impact of Influenza Vaccination on Seasonal Mortality in the US Elderly Population

How the CDC Uses Fear and Deception to Sell More Flu Vaccines

Increased Risk of Noninfluenza Respiratory Virus Infections Associated With Receipt of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine

Pentagon Study: Flu Shot Raises Risk of Coronavirus by 36% (and Other Supporting Studies)

Influenza vaccination and respiratory virus interference among Department of Defense personnel during the 2017-2018 influenza season..pdf

Assessment of temporally-related acute respiratory illness following influenza vaccination


Effectiveness of Trivalent Inactivated Influenza Vaccine in Children Estimated by a Test-Negative Case-Control Design Study Based on Influenza Rapid Diagnostic Test Results



2018-19 Flu Brochure Children’s Health Defense.pdf 

Mini Guide to Flu & Flu Vaccines.

Association of spontaneous abortion with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine

Comparison of VAERS fetal-loss reports during three consecutive influenza seasons.

What is Guillain Barre Syndrome? 

Guillain-Barré Syndrome Triggered by Vaccination

How Scientists Use Statistical Deception to Fake Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness

Increased childhood incidence of narcolepsy in western Sweden after H1N1 influenza vaccination Abstract

Increased Risk of Noninfluenza Respiratory Virus Infections Associated With Receipt of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine.

Inflammation‐related effects of adjuvant influenza A vaccination Full Article

Inflammatory Responses to Trivalent Influenza Virus Vaccine Among Pregnant Women

Inflammation‐related effects of adjuvant influenza A vaccination on platelet activation and cardiac autonomic function.

Let’s Learn From South Korea’s Aggressive Rollout of Its Flu Vaccine Campaign • Children’s Health Defense

Neurological and autoimmune disorders after vaccination against pandemic influenza A (H1N1)

Vaccine-Induced Anti-HA2 Antibodies Promote Virus Fusion and Enhance Influenza Virus Respiratory Disease