Net Zero – a Trojan Horse for Nuclear Power

14 September, 2022 – Is Net Zero Emissions the Trojan Horse for Society?

The wealthy countries continue to focus on subsidizing intermittent electricity from breezes and sunshine while simultaneously shuttering coal, natural gas, and nuclear power plants that have been providing continuous uninterruptible electricity.   The Trojan Horse results are extreme costs, painful reductions in living standards for all but the richest, national weakness, and societal instability.


Net Zero – a Trojan Horse for Nuclear Power

Global ‘Green Energy’ policies toward Net Zero focus on reducing and eliminating so-called ‘fossil fuels’ while subsidizing ‘renewables such as wind and solar power.

Policy makers are aware that wind and solar rely on baseload back-up of fossil fuels. Without fossil fuels, the push is for nuclear power as the only viable and reliable baseload power.

On the other hand, China and India are expanding coal power production. 

Is nuclear your preferred baseload power in the future?

Gone are the days of the Greens ‘Solar Not Nuclear’ mantra – always a false, and unworkable option. 

Coal, oil, and gas have provided stable, reliable, and cheap energy, but are now demonized as polluting and responsible for a large part of man-made ‘climate change’. However anthropogenic climate change is not the main driver. Natural cycles have shown that temperature and climate variation has been most significant prior to the industrial revolution. 

Nuclear power on the other hand is being re-branded as ‘clean and green’, and with ‘newer technologies’, as ‘safe’.

Apparently the incidents of Chernobyl, Fukushima, Three Mile Island and the  Ukraine Nuclear facility threats are not to be considered as relevant. Waste disposal is rarely discussed.

Whole/cycle cost benefit analyses of nuclear power, taking in energy inputs and financial outputs, need to be done and considered by truly independent experts with no conflicts of interests. 

Transitioning  from Fossil Fuels to Nuclear Power is an ‘out of the frying pan into the fire’ scenario that is being driven by the ultra-wealthy elites’ obsession with centralising control of every aspect of our lives including energy production. A false climate change apocalypse narrative is the driver towards both Net Zero and the ‘Nuclear Solution’. 




27 November, 2024:



U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Releases Report Confirming Radioactive Material Lost in Transit — Shipping Container Arrives Damaged and Empty in New Jersey

Officer Lew, a prominent political commentator, highlighted the NRC’s event report during a review of regulatory alerts.

“While looking at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Alerts. I can confirm that there is radioactive material that has gone missing on Dec 2nd, 2024 out of New Jersey. This might be the reason for the drones… just speculation at this point,” he wrote.

The missing material, identified as a Ge-68 pin source manufactured by Eckert & Ziegler, was reported lost by its licensee on December 3, 2024. Shipped for disposal, the container arrived at its destination severely damaged and empty.

The item, called a “pin source,” contains a small amount of the radioactive isotope Germanium-68, which is used to calibrate the accuracy of PET scanners.


27 November, 2024 –  The Real Cost of Net Zero: The shocking truth of the renewable energy push | Sky News Australia

Here is a 68-mminute documentary that goes through all the costs of electricity generation in Australia to explain why Australian power bills have gone up so much and will continue to do so.


26, July, 2024 – Using ‘Renewables’ Only Will Regress Society Hundreds Of Years

Their failure to be adopted freely by investors and consumers lies in the pathetic energy density of solar panels and wind turbines.

Energy density is defined as the amount of energy stored in a given unit of mass or volume — a metric that is critical in determining the viability of energy sources.

It is typically measured in joules per kilogram (J/kg) for mass, or joules per cubic meter (J/m³) for volume. Often, the expression is in millions of joules, or megajoules (MJ).

Wood, which was widely used before the introduction of coal, has an energy density of just 16 MJ/kg.

Society’s ready adoption of fossil fuels stems from their significantly higher concentrations of energy:

Coal’s is approximately 24 MJ/kg;

oil, 45 MJ/kg; and

natural gas, 55 MJ/kg.

In an entirely different league, nuclear fuel, depending on the type, has an energy density of about four million MJ/kg and will certainly be used extensively as society progresses throughout the 21st century and into the next.


18 June, 2024 – Australian Opposition Pledges to Build 7 Nuclear Power Plants by 2050

The federal opposition says it plans to build seven nuclear reactors across Australia, in an announcement on June 19.

The Liberal-National Coalition revealed that current, retiring coal-fired power stations would be repurposed for nuclear facilities.

They include Loy Yang Power Station in Victoria’s Gippsland area, Callide and Tarong in Queensland, Port Augusta in South Australia, Collie in West Australia, as well as Mount Piper in Lithgow and Liddell in the Hunter Valley in New South Wales.                              

The Coalition was unable to provide a detailed cost analysis of the project with Mr. Dutton saying it would “cost a fraction” of the government’s net zero policy, which is slated to exceed $1 trillion ($US667 billion), including the building of new transmission infrastructure, wind turbines, solar panels, and battery storage.


4 March, 2024 – Juice: Why Wind and Solar Make Our Power Grid Less Reliable

Politicians and activists tell how “renewable” energy will save us from the climate “crisis.” They don’t tell us about the real costs of green power.


2022 – The Nuclear Option

“Climate change is the existential threat!” warns Bernie Sanders and others. But if he really believed that, he should support nuclear — the only technology that has a track record of rapidly replacing fossil fuels


10 September, 2023 – Households Face £2,300 Bills to Decommission Gas Grid Under Net-Zero Plans

Households face an estimated bill of £2,300 each to shut down Britain’s gas grid as part of the Government’s drive towards Net Zero, a leaked draft of an official report suggests.

The cost of decommissioning the grid could reach a total of £65 billion, according to a draft National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) report.

It is the first time a public body has examined the future of the 176,000-mile network of buried pipes, which serves eight in ten homes but risks becoming obsolete under plans to reach Net Zero carbon emissions.


25 August, 2023 – Don’t believe the renewables myth. Wind and solar are not cheap

– Consumers pay the wholesale price, plus a network cost (including congestion costs), plus a balancing cost, plus a subsidy cost, plus the retailer/supplier operating costs, plus some profits for everyone in the chain from the generator to the network owner to the network operator to the retailer. And then some taxes on top.
– And to hit net zero the whole electrical system – expanded renewables, expanded grid, backup fossil, balancing, subsidies, curtailment payments and all – will have to be expanded to multiple times its current size, as fossil fuels used directly in such things as heating and transport are replaced with electricity.
– Anyone who thinks all this is going to mean cheaper energy is dreaming.


25 August, 2023 – Opening the gates Ideas for an even greater country   

As the war for Australia’s energy future heats up, Gina Rinehart has come out strongly in favour of a nuclear future. Writing in the leading article of the Spectator Australia this week, Rinehart says, ‘It’s time to realise we need nuclear power in this country. Instead of punishing many farmers with bird-killing wind generators and massive solar panel stretches, we need to urgently allow clean, safe, nuclear energy for the well-being of this nation.’



15 July, 2023 – NANO Nuclear Energy Inc  is an emerging micro-Small Modular Reactor (µSMR) and Advanced Nuclear Reactor (ANR) technology company led by a world class nuclear engineering team developing smaller, cheaper and safer advanced portable carbon free energy solutions utilizing proprietary novel reactor designs. NANO Nuclear is committed to incorporating the latest technology into its own proprietary novel reactor designs, intellectual properties, and research methods. NANO Nuclear’s subsidiary, HALEU Energy Fuel Inc, will focus on the future development of a domestic source for a High-Assay Low-Enriched Uranium (HALEU) fuel fabrication pipeline for the broader advanced nuclear reactor industry and providing fuel to power NANO Nuclear reactors. NANO Nuclear’s  products in technical development are “ZEUS”, a solid core battery reactor, and “ODIN”, a low-pressure coolant reactor, each of which represent advanced developments in portable, on-demand capable, advanced nuclear micro reactors.


24 June, 2022 – Climate Scientist Says Humans Cause Less Than 0.05°C of Global Warming and Warns of “Anarchy” From “Delusional” Net Zero Policies

With Germany scouring the world for supplies of oil and gas and firing up dormant coal power stations, one of its most distinguished atmospheric scientists, Professor Hermann Harde, has castigated politicians for reacting to increasingly shrill climate horror stories and “believing they can save the world”. Many of the research studies and “horror scenarios” are not based on a secure physical foundation, he says, “but rather represent computer games that reflect what was fed in”. The idea that humans can control the climate with their COemissions is said to be an “absolute delusion”.


14 April, 2023 – Allister Heath: Net Zero is a Trojan horse for the total destruction of Western society

Prepare for a people’s revolution against policies that will abolish choice and impoverish millions


26 June, 2023 – Sweden just scrapped their “Renewable Energy Targets”. Here’s why.

Sweden’s parliament on Tuesday (20 June) adopted a new energy target, giving the right-wing government the green light to push forward with plans to build new nuclear plants in a country that voted 40 years ago to phase out atomic power. Changing the target to “100% fossil-free” electricity, from “100% renewable” is key to the government’s plan to […] reach net zero emissions by 2045.



31 March, 2023 – The provision of energy without fear

Prominent Oxford physicist Professor Wade Allison has called for society to urgently reassess the risks and benefits of nuclear energy.

In a note published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation, Professor Allison (University of Oxford)  says that because of the weaknesses of solar and wind power, nuclear is the only energy technology that can offer society a positive future.


27 June, 2022 – We have to ‘move to nuclear’ because we ‘need a baseload power’

Entrepreneur Dick Smith says renewables are “too intermittent” to run a whole country on them.

“Look there’s a claim at the moment which is made by the CSIRO here and AEMO, the Australian Energy Market Operator,” Mr Smith told Sky News host Chris Kenny.

“They say that renewables, they say that wind and solar with storage, is cheaper than coal.

“Now, it’s not true – and because of that lie, and it’s a lie, we’re going to delay moving to something that we have to move to which is nuclear because you need a baseload power.”

Above image


A full semester in 40 minutes – David Seigel 


June 16, 2022 – Living in the Windless Dark, Part I: The Renewable Big Picture

No matter how excited you are about renewables, you must still do the math


23 June, 2022 – Living in the Windless Dark, Part II: Let’s do the Math

Being an environmentalist means doing cost/benefit calculations


30 June, 2022 – Living in the Windless Dark, Part III: The Minerals Needed

We must destroy the planet to save it


Landmark: Supreme Court Deals Massive Blow To Climate Change Agenda



Dutch Farmers Told To Kill Off 30% Of Their Livestock To Save Planet