Port Arthur Massacre

Martin Bryant has been incarcerated in Risdon Prison in Tasmania for three decades for  crimes it is almost impossible for him to have committed. And yet even critical thinkers say ” we may never know” , or,  “we need more evidence”.          There is ample evidence pointing to a massive cover-up as to the nature of what was a well planned strategic operation at four sites on the one day with multiple actors and agents. There was  very controlled media coverage, judicial and police corruption and highest level government involvement. Martin Bryant took 5- 6 months, mostly in solitary confinement,  before he confessed under duress to crimes.  There was no trial. The Coroner refused to continue investigation because he may have conflicted with the Supreme Court finding.


        ” When the Port Arthur massacre took place in April of 1996, every
person in Australia learned that it was done by a lone gunman named
Martin Bryant. Well, no, it was not and could not possibly have been
done by this gentle-natured person with a low IQ.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       In fact, the killing, which was spread over four locations, could not
even have been accomplished by a lone genius. It was part of a very
well planned effort by persons who would be in a position immediately
after the event to control the police, the hospital, the media, and the
law courts. “

Port Arthur:  Enough is Enough 

Australians speaking out

Mary W Maxwell  and Dee McLachlan 


Port Arthur Massacre 1996
800 witness statements and only two positively identified Martin Bryant which were submitted after Bryants face had been all over the media.
Witnesses Jim Laycock, Graham Colliyer & Peter Crosswell all said the shooter was not Martin Bryant. 

https://x.com/man_rocket97805/status/1875365609837621494                                                                                    https://x.com/i/status/1875365609837621494




Port Arthur massacre video republished. What really happened in Tasmania on April 28, 1996?

Many people associated with and others not involved at Port Arthur are calling to re-open the Coronial Inquiry that was cut short when the Supreme Court accepted a guilty plea from alleged shooter and intellectually-disabled, 29 year old Martin Bryant who now languishes in Risdon jail in Tasmania.

Tasmanian Coroner at the time, Ian Matheson, in a letter to a family member of a shooting victim said he would discontinue the Coronial Inquest because his findings, based on the evidence before him, would go against the Supreme Court verdict after Bryant was coerced into pleading guilty. (see video)

Matheson would have found that Bryant was not guilty.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           https://cairnsnews.org/2024/12/28/port-arthur-massacre-video-republished-what-really-happened-in-tasmania-on-april-28-1996/




Martin Bryant complete interview

Read the following transcript and then decide for yourself if you think this slow moving and slow thinking individual was the same one who acted like a combat assassin to execute an operation as efficient as the Port Arthur massacre. https://wikileaks.org/wiki/Martin_Bryant_complete_interview

Martin Bryant complete interview – WikiLeaks .pdf



Was Martin Bryant Framed?

Martin is still locked away for a gun crime it is difficult to conceive he had the shooting skills to commit. There was no direct evidence to link him. Everything was contrived.   

https://ia802205.us.archive.org/7/items/mass-murder-in-tasmania/The%20Port%20Arthur%20Massacre%20-%20Was%20Martin%20Bryant%20Framed.pdf                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             https://wikileaks.org/wiki/Martin_Bryant_complete_interview                                                                                        http://whale.to/b/wernerhoff.html


13 Questions Surrounding the 1996 Port Arthur Massacre
How did Martin Bryant, a man with the IQ of a 9-year-old, manage to kill 20 people in 90 seconds while blindly shooting from the hip? Have we really been told the truth about this day?

TOTT News    https://tottnews.com/2024/11/13/questions-port-arthur-massacre/




 The Port Arthur Rabbit Hole 

Was the Port Arthur Massacre a False Flag Event? 




Who is this man in military gear leaving the Broad Arrow Cafe – site of the Port Arthur Massacre in 1996? 


A Gunsmith’s Notebook on Port Arthur chapter 26
This chapter exposes the Overbeekes’ involvement in the Port Arthur Massacre. Hans and Ben were accomplices and Warren the shooter at BA Cafe.                                                                                                              


https://www.facebook.com/p/Overbeeke-Port-Arthur-Massacre-100076062010662/                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Whole document: https://archive.org/details/a-gunsmiths-notebook-on-port-arthur-stewart-k.-beattie



What’s Going On?:
A Critical Study of the Port Arthur

Carl Wernerhoff                                                                                                                         https://murderpedia.org/male.B/images/bryant_martin/pa.pdf



Enough Is Enough


             When the Port Arthur massacre took place in April of 1996, every
person in Australia learned that it was done by a lone gunman named
Martin Bryant. Well, no, it was not and could not possibly have been
done by this gentle-natured person with a low IQ.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         In fact, the killing, which was spread over four locations, could not
even have been accomplished by a lone genius. It was part of a very
well planned effort by persons who would be in a position immediately
after the event to control the police, the hospital, the media, and the
law courts. Persons who could lie, plant evidence, intimidate witnesses