Vaccine Skeptics are the True Critical Thinkers – Igor Chudov



Apr 19·edited May 2Pinned

Your responses are incredible. They are literally coming faster than I can read them. I cannot read as fast as the rate at which they are arriving. I am overwhelmed. I will read all your replies over the next few weeks.

Sorry if you mentioned something important or missed some replies. I will try very hard to get to them. I always try to read all reply traffic for new articles.

I am also struck by how intelligent and well written the responses are.

I only read maybe 25% of comments so far, but I am struck by

– how different is everyone’s thinking

– how substantial — loaded with original thought — the comments are

– How well spoken are most of the authors, instead of “yeah I beleeeeve science” they gave long, open ended, and well articulated accounts

Keep them coming please

Brilliant article. This is why Twitter had to ban me (twice). I actually got sucked into the narrative, but when my friends got injured, the math didn’t make any sense since those injuries would have been statistically unlikely. So my friends’ injuries was what got me to realize that “hey, this story they told us was a lie.”

2761 more comments…

Climate apocalypse or globalist agenda?

I love bicycle riding but I am very skeptical of the globalist push to control and limit every aspect of our future lives including transport.  Informed choice is the key to building our preferred futures. I ride my bike for exercise, and to get off the road and follow creek bike paths through green leafy parks. I also get a kick out of riding to reduce pollution and mining energy resource usage. I do not ride on the basis of so-called ‘climate science modelling’ which is used as justification to attempt to socially engineer our futures by self-appointed top-down ‘world authorities’. 



7 December, 2020 – Marine Scientist Peter Ridd says the idea the Great Barrier Reef is in critical condition “couldn’t be further from the truth” because the “actual data” reveals coral growth rates, if anything, have increased.

6 November, 2019 – Peter Ridd: Is the Great Barrier Reef Threatened ? 37:44


A Time Lapse Map of Every Nuclear Explosion Since 1945

“Because the long road to a valid uranium enrichment program from the beginning was thought to be a longshot, the discovery of plutonium in December 1940 was a godsend to the bomb makers.”

Nuclear power as a proposed future “clean and green” energy solution to climate change always fails to mention the ‘elephant in the room’ – military and terrorist nuclear weapons as a constant apocalyptic threat to civilisation far surpassing that of human induced climate change. 



Great climate gaslighting ploys of today: hiding the tree ring record, for example


Great climate gaslighting ploys of today: hiding the tree ring record, for example

Exposing the Climate Racket: The Latest IPCC Report

21 April, 2023 – Climate Scepticism on the Rise Throughout the World 

Over nearly 50 years, laudable environmental concerns have been hijacked to promote a collectivist, controlling political agenda. But decades of easy virtue-signalling are coming to an end, and the harsh realities of Net Zero are starting to become obvious.

26 April, 2022 – From ice age to global warming – the climate doom-mongers’ swift about-turn

26 April, 2022 – ‘Net zero’ war on food! US factories destroyed, Aussie and Irish livestock targeted

25 April, 2022 – Northern Ireland faces loss of 1 million sheep and cattle to meet climate targets

25 April, 2022 – The U.N.: A Global Fear Porn Cult

18 April, 2022 – Met Office Changed Global Temperature Record to Add 14% to Recent Warming, Says Climate Scientist

5 April, 2022 – Ninety Months (and Counting) of No Warming – and Now Small Signs of Cooling

21 December, 2021 – Net Zero Carbon In UK Means Dumping Private Car Ownership And Gas Engines For Bicycles

“As the world continues to deal with The Great Panic, climate alarmists are quietly marching forward to greenwash transportation policies, taking private cars off the road and implementing shared solutions instead, including people-powered bicycles.”


The Profound Junk Science of Climate

8 November, 2021 – Nice Totalitarianism 

“..three moral crusades are increasingly being used to control our lives by people in authority: the crusade against Covid, the crusade against climate change and the crusade against ‘social injustice’, as defined by the woke.”

2 December, 2021 – The Silly Science Of Climate Alarmism

“There is actually a great deal of research on possible natural causes for some of the long term warming, maybe even all of it.

Keep in mind that the recent warming is very small, just around one degree over 150 years. Small changes in the sun, or the ocean, or even just in the clouds, could easily cause this little bit of global warming.

The IPCC simply ignores all this research, just like it ignored the warm and cold periods in the 2,000 year hockey stick. In fact this extreme alarmist bias dominates government funded climate science, which is most of it.”

2 October, 2021 – Establishment Now Advocating Lockdowns — Not to Save You From Covid, But From Climate Change

20 September, 2021 – Technocrats Are Preparing ‘Mandatory’ Personal Carbon Allowances

14 September, 2021 – After Vaccine Passports Its Personal Carbon Allowances


8 September, 2021 – Personal Carbon Allowances’ Pushed to Fight Global Warming

27 August, 2021 –  Environmentalism as Religion: Unpacking the Congregation

 16 August, 2021 – The apocalypse facing humanity is not climate change, but the politicisation of lousy science


15 June, 2021 – Is a “Climate Lockdown” Limiting Consumption of Red Meat and Gasoline Usage for Private Vehicles Coming Next?


21 May, 2021 – Computer modelling for Covid-19 was FATALLY flawed. What if I told you that climate change models are EVEN WORSE?


The dominant narrative: 

9 August, 2021 – Major climate changes inevitable and irreversible – IPCC’s starkest warning yet

Just Conspiracy Theories


9/11: A Conspiracy Theory – by James Corbett

JP Sears: You’ll Own Nothing and Be Happy!? – The Great Reset

Klaus Schwaab: You’ll Own Nothing and You’ll Be Happy 



Conspiracy ???   A conspiracy theory isn’t a theory if it’s true!”- Mike Palmer



10 CONSPIRACY THEORIES That turned Out To Be True 



31 May, 2023 – BBC Verify?

“Conspiracy theory” is just a term the CIA weaponised for their propagandist to help them shut down any debate—about who shot JFK—by sticking the dismissive “conspiracy theorist” label on anyone who dared to question the US government’s official account. It really doesn’t mean anything more than that. Alleged “conspiracy theorists” are just people who question government narratives.

18 May, 2023 – How to Assess Conspiracy Theories Using the EPOE Protocol

We need to normalize the words “CONSPIRACY THEORY”. It’s a tool used to dismiss conjecture, claims, charges, and admissions of conspiracies. There is no doubt that conspiracies happen. The trick is to try to determine whether individuals worked together to conspire to mislead the public on important issues. 



6 July, 2022 – UN Declares War on ‘Dangerous’ Conspiracy Theories: ‘World is Not Secretly Run by Elites’

‘Anti-vax’ labelling and the mainstream media: Who is coordinating this?

New rules may allow Australian police to detain “conspiracy theorists”.pdf


Anti-lockdown protesters hold placards on the steps of Victoria’s state parliament in Melbourne on May 10, 2020.

The Long, Strange History of Bill Gates Population Control Conspiracy Theories



7 Things That Were Crazy Conspiracy Theories Until 2020 Happened

7 Things That Were _Crazy Conspiracy Theories_ Until 2020 Happened.pdf



FBI_ Conspiracy Theorists Are Potential Domestic Terrorists.pdf

How conspiracy theorizing may soon get you labelled a ‘Domestic Terrorist

How conspiracy theorizing may soon get you labelled a ‘Domestic Terrorist’ – OffGuardian.pdf



“Conspiracies for good and for evil do exist now, as they have from time immemorial.

The only question is which intention do you want to devote your life towards?”

Matthew Ehret, Off-Guardian 






We Are Being Played

How has the planet been brainwashed into putting masks on four or five year olds to send them to school?

To ban funerals and weddings.,

To isolate the elderly to die on their own.,

To wear masks in cars when alone.,

To refuse entry to service for perfectly well people.,

How has the system manipulated us to accept things that don’t make sense?

The effect is to create enemies within our society to divide us.

All the while, our complying keeps us trapped.



A Killing of The Mind

How to Break Free from Fear Addiction

10 December, 2021 – Psychological Warfare | How the Tyrants Manipulate the Masses

Message To The Jabbed – Wake Up From The Spell Cast On Your Mind – David Icke Dot-Connector

Psychological Warfare: Know the Game Plan 

Dr. David E. Martin, PhD, “We have been had and we have fallen for arguing over their cover story.”

JP Sears: You’ll Own Nothing and Be Happy!? – The Great Reset

Klaus Schwaab: You’ll Own Nothing and You’ll Be Happy 


MASS PSYCHOSIS – How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL

The Manufacturing of a Mass Psychosis – Can Sanity Return to an Insane World?

It’s Happening Now But People Don’t See It – Roger Waters on Challenging Authority



26 August, 2023 – From Covid To Climate Change: Vehicles For Global Authoritarianism

During the lockdowns, numerous globalists and globalist connected climate researchers publicly expressed joy at the suggestion that covid lockdowns could be useful for reducing carbon emissions. The phrase “climate lockdowns” started circulating around major conferences and in various globalist funded studies.

These studies obviously show a precipitous drop in human based carbon emissions during the lockdowns, but still do not provide any evidence that man-made emissions actually cause climate changes. This remains the underlying con game of the climate narrative – climate researchers with access to billions in government funds and think-tank funds happily operate on the ASSUMPTION that emissions cause warming, when in fact they have zero evidence to support this position. Correlation is not causation.

26 August, 2023 – The global climate change cult and the war on the mind – 2

THE executive director of the Climate Emergency Fund (CEF) is Margaret Klein Salamon, an American in her mid-thirties. She is a clinical psychologist and therefore has been involved with vulnerable people suffering high levels of stress and anxiety. In her role in climate activism she appears to be using her experience to frighten vulnerable people.

17 August, 2023 – We’re Not Doing This Again

– The process of conditioning is fairly straightforward: gradually dial up the heat, until you run into resistance.                                                                                                                                      – Once you’ve pushed as far as you can go, and the resistance starts to materialize in force, back down; repeal the mandates, soften the requirements, allow some of the challenges to see victory; let the people feel like their complaints have been heard, and the tyranny is going to stop now.                                                                                                                                                 – Once the resistance has settled down, kick it back into gear again, and this time go a little further, a little faster, and see where the new boundary really lies.                                     – Winnow and exhaust the capacity and willingness to resist, fine-tune the propaganda and enforcement, and keep on pushing.                                                                                                    – Without compliance, they have nothing; they need to make you feel powerless, because you have all the power. Only you can decide to surrender it; only by giving in will you do so.

18 JULY, 2023 – Your TV is Nudging You to Decarbonise Your Lifestyle

The Behavioural Insights Team (BIT), using research from Sky, launched a report at the United Nations’ 26th Climate Conference in Glasgow in 2021. The report, “The power of TV: nudging viewers to decarbonise their lifestyle”, looked at how TV can change viewers behaviour without realising they have ever been nudged.

5 June, 2023 – 10 myths told by COVID experts — and now debunked

When a study did not support their policies, they dismissed it and censored opposing opinions.

At the same time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention weaponized research itself by putting out its own flawed studies in its own non-peer-reviewed medical journal, MMWR.

In the final analysis, public health officials actively propagated misinformation that ruined lives and forever damaged public trust in the medical profession.

28 August, 2022 – Understanding The Tyrannical Mind And How It Operates

Manipulation of the Masses – Strong and Free Canada

“In 1957 sociologist Albert Biderman developed a framework for understanding the methods foreign governments used to extract false confessions from American prisoners of war. It has come to be called Biderman’s Chart of Coercion. This is Biderman’s Chart as applied to how governments are using the same tactics in this fake pandemic to manipulate the masses.”

Bidermans chart of coercion

3 October, 2021 – COVID-19 and the Global Predators

8 Signs You Are Being Played


The Mass Psychosis That Now Grips The World…”The masses have never thirsted after truth”

America’s Multiple Personality Disorder

Twilight Zone: Golden Earring

The tyrannical crime of “keeping people safe”

Globalism and Abusive Relationships

Corruption – US Election 2020

We are aware that USA is now living in a regime with a fake president and fake government. The evidence presented is indisputable. The CIA has been responsible for engineering coups in many countries around the world, in order to install puppet governments.  The link to CIA manipulation in the US 2020 elections is still to be established. However there is clear evidence that the Biden ‘administration’ has been installed despite not having a democratic majority. 

Who is pulling the strings? And what is their agenda? Whether you support Donald Trump or whether you see Trump as an ultra right wing misogynistic white supremacist, it should be very disturbing to see that Biden did not have the credible vote numbers and the election was deeply flawed and fraudulent.



20 October, 2021 – Stolen Elections (Video One)

Website: Https://stolenelectionsfactscom
A small team of patriots led by Retired CIA Agent, Gary Berntsen have rolled their sleeves up to gather the facts and witnesses to prove this remarkable sequence of events. Learn how your country and democracy has been in the process of being stolen since 2006. The problem is transnational in 72 countries. Venezuela, Cuba, China, Iran, Russia and Serbia have teamed up.


13 February, 2024 – Ballot Fraud Study Finds Trump ‘Almost Certainly’ Won in 2020 | Facts Matter

Watch the full episode👉

28 May, 2023 – NEW VIDEO EVIDENCE: Maricopa County Elections Officials Illegally Break into Sealed Election Machines after they were Certified and Before the Election – Inserting Reprogrammed Memory Cards – MUST SEE!

(S)election Code 

5 May 2022 – 2000 MULES – FULL DOCUMENTARY

28 March, 2022 – New report: 255,000 ‘excess votes’ for Biden in six key 2020 states

23 June, 2021 – The Real Story – The Voting Dead With Liz Harrington

Georgia Video Footage Shows Poll Workers Staying Behind, Producing Boxes of Ballots

How Democrats New Election Bill Will ‘Enshrine Fraud’ in US System.

How to Steal an Election 


President Trump Banned From Facebook

2021: THE BRIGHT SIDE: Del Bigtree on The Highwire




17 December, 2020 – Senate reviews ‘irregularities in the 2020 election’

1 November, 2020 – Project Hammer  The Deep States Tool to winning the 2020 Elections 

Fox: Claims of Voter Fraud from Across America

Democrat Vernon Jones Exposes His Own Party in Georgia for Election Fraud




25 November, 2024  – 10 Reasons Trump Did Not Incite an Insurrection on January 6 – The Daily Declaration

A man who incited a violent insurrection is unfit for office, we are told. That might be true — but Donald Trump did nothing of the sort.

President elect Donald Trump has no shortage of flaws. We know this because they have featured as lead stories in the corporate media for eight long years.

But if there’s one argument wielded as a silver bullet by Trump’s critics, it’s the January 6 insurrection narrative. It goes something like this:

On January 6, 2021 — one of the darkest days in American history — Donald Trump incited an insurrection against the United States government. By spreading lies about a stolen election, he provoked a violent mob to storm the Capitol and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power. Trump’s attempted coup d’état caused the death of five people, showed a dangerous disregard for the rule of law and the Constitution, and sought to overturn the will of the American people.

The only problem with this story is that almost every detail is false.

Here are ten reasons to reject the claim that Donald Trump incited an insurrection on January 6.

9. Election Fraud

If January 6 protesters were not seeking to overthrow the government, what were they hoping to accomplish at Capitol Hill that day?

The answer is in Trump’s speech: he encouraged his supporters to call on Vice President Mike Pence to delay the certification of the 2020 election results and send them back to the states for further review.

Labelling Trump’s claims about election fraud as “lies” serves the insurrection narrative, but it fails to address the legitimate concerns of tens of millions of Americans.

According to Pew Research, 32% of Americans believe that “widespread illegal voting and fraud” was a major reason for Joe Biden’s election victory in 2020. Another poll from Marist/NPR/PBS found that almost 40 percent of Americans do not trust the results of that election. A Rasmussen poll was even worse, finding that 55% of likely voters believed cheating likely influenced the outcome of the election, with 39% saying it was “very likely”.

It’s not enough to blame Trump for convincing Americans that election fraud occurred. One in five mail-in-voters personally admitted to committing election fraud in 2020, according to a survey sponsored by the Heartland Institute.

Moreover, the states Joe Biden won by the narrowest of margins — just tens of thousands of votes — are also where election irregularities were widely reported. And curiously, Biden managed to lose the bellwether states of Florida and Ohio, along with 18 out of 19 bellwether counties, and still win the election — a statistically implausible outcome.

Finally, the claim that Trump lost almost all his election-related lawsuits obscures the fact that the majority of his cases were dismissed on procedural grounds and were never assessed on their merits.

In summary, while the results of the 2020 election are yet to be thoroughly adjudicated in court, there are enough reasons to suspect significant fraud took place.

10 Reasons Trump Did Not Incite an Insurrection on January 6 – The Daily Declaration.pdf


22 November, 2024  – The Long History of Voting Fraud in USA Elections and Why Trump Won 2024

For those paying attention, it was plain to see that something was wrong with what went down in the early hours of 4 November 2020. Mysteriously appearing ballots, unexplained pauses in counting, mathematical improbabilities, a litany of eyewitness accounts of procedures not followed correctly – all these pieces of circumstantial evidence led many to conclude that that the dice were loaded, and to fear they may be loaded again in the future.


25 October, 2024 – CIA whistleblower links Venezuelan cartel and China to global electronic elections

A 30-year US Navy and CIA veteran Gary Berntsen has blown the whistle on highly suspicious activities involving electronic vote counting companies worldwide.


3 October, 2024 – Ex-Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters sentenced to 8.5 years in prison over 2020 election security breach

Former Arizona Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters was sentenced Thursday to 8.5 years in prison for felony and misdemeanor charges for which she was found guilty this summer in connection with 2020 election security breach. Peters’ attorneys argued their client was trying to preserve voting records.

She admitted to using a county employee’s identity to let Hayes copy the hard drive of a ballot marking machine in May 2021 before a software update and to observe the update. The defense argued that Peters did this because the county wouldn’t allow her to have a county technology expert observe the software update.

Peters and her legal team have claimed that election information was deleted from the election equipment following the software update.

9 February, 2024 – Mail-In Ballot Fraud Study Finds Trump ‘Almost Certainly’ Won in 2020

A new study examining the likely impact that fraudulent mail-in ballots had in the 2020 election concludes that the outcome would “almost certainly” have been different without the massive expansion of voting by mail.

The Heartland Institute study tried to gauge the probable impact that fraudulent mail-in ballots cast for both then-candidate Joe Biden and his opponent, President Donald Trump, would have had on the overall 2020 election results.

The study was based on data obtained from a Heartland/Rasmussen survey in Decembert that revealed that roughly one in five mail-in voters admitted to potentially fraudulent actions in the presidential election.

31 January, 2024 – Here is the real, complete story on the voting machines that could be easily hacked by a “voter” inside a voting booth

  • U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg listens as Alex Halderman, a University of Michigan computer science professor, shows how a voting machine could be hacked during a 2018 hearing. Halderman gave a similar demonstration Thursday in a trial before Totenberg to determine whether Georgia’s voting system is vulnerable to manipulation or programming errors.        -All he needed was a pen to reach a button inside the touchscreen, a fake $10 voter card he had programmed, or a $100 USB device that he plugged into a cord connected to a printer, rewriting the touchscreen’s code.

8 August, 2023 – Massive 2020 Voter Fraud Uncovered in Michigan

Including Estimated “800,000 Ballot Applications Sent to Non-Qualified Voters” – Bags of Pre-Paid Gift Cards, Guns with Silencers, Burner Phones, and a Democrat-Funded Organization with Multiple Temporary Facilities in Several States

20 October, 2022 – Pennsylvania County Sues Dominion Voting Systems For ‘Unauthorized Python Script’ & ‘Foreign IP Address’

22 August, 2022 – Census Bureau Admits Overcounting 7 Blue States, Just 1 Red State

17 July, 2022 -Bombshells: 21 confirmed Illegalities, Irregularities from 2020 election

8 May 2022 – The riveting ‘2000 Mules’ proves there was massive election fraud


The Navarro-Report

81 Court Cases to Date Based on the 2020 election 

Accurate List of 2020 Election Fraud Cases Shows 81 Cases Total, 30 Still Active – And NOT ONE SINGLE COURT Has Allowed Evidence to be Argued

2020 Election Court Cases

YouTube to Delete Content Alleging Presidential Election Fraud

YouTube to Delete Content Alleging Presidential Election Fraud.pdf

6 Factors Which Point to a Rigged Election

6 Factors Which Point to a Rigged ElectionOffGuardian.pdf

Who Said It’s Over?

More Than 10,000 Dead People Cast Ballots in Michigan, Analysis Shows

More Than 10,000 Dead People Cast Ballots in Michigan, Analysis Shows.pdf

Tens of Thousands of Pennsylvania Ballots Returned Earlier Than Sent Date: Researcher

Tens of Thousands of Pennsylvania Ballots Returned Earlier Than Sent Date_ Researcher.pdf

BREAKING_ “Operation Scorecard” CIA-run vote theft software was running in EVERY swing state… “glitches” switched votes from Trump to Biden –

Former Trump campaign strategist announces voter fraud probe in seven key states

Former Trump campaign strategist announces voter fraud probe in seven key states.pdf

RED ALERT_ Dems collude with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS voting machine results in Pennsylvania and other swing states

RED ALERT_ Dems collude with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS voting machine results in Pennsylvania and other swing states –

Dominion Cancels Planned Appearance Before Pennsylvania Lawmakers

Dominion Cancels Planned Appearance Before Pennsylvania Lawmakers.pdf

Up to 280,000 Ballots ‘Disappeared’ After Being Transported From NY to Pennsylvania: Amistad Project Director

Up to 280,000 Ballots ‘Disappeared’ After Being Transported from New York to Pennsylvania; Amistad Project Director.pdf

Georgia Video Footage Allegedly Shows Poll Workers Staying Behind, Producing ‘Suitcases of Ballots’

Ex-CIA Officer Alleges That Election Irregularities Could Be Part of a Big Scheme




Holistic Health Masterclass: #077: DEBUNKING PROPAGANDA



28 February, 2023 – Great propaganda tricks of today: changing the meaning of words


14 August, 2022 – The Horrendous Damage of Censorship


COVID Vaccine can worsen disease; mainstream study; not on the evening news

Highly cited COVID doctor comes to stunning conclusion: Gov’t ‘scrubbing unprecedented numbers’ of injection-related deaths

State Attorneys General Threaten to Silence Dr. Mercola

The Center for Public Integrity pays a “journalist” to harass and terrorize family members of vaccine skeptics, all while claiming to protect the “public trust”

Big Tech is Censoring Science 

“That’s Not Orwellian, THIS Is Orwellian”: Aussies Mulling ID For Access To Facebook, Twitter, Tinder

Boom: Florida Governor Nukes Big Tech Over Censorship

UN Unleashes Army of Trolls to Shut Down Opposition

Censorship and Oppression Threaten America’s Trademark Standards of Democracy and Open Debate


Fact Checking:

Health Care Misinformation:

UN Praises Maldives Bill Outlawing Informed Consent for Pharmaceuticals 

Founder’s Statement: Regarding Censorship Efforts to De-Platform GreenMedInfo & Other Health Sites


Junk Science:

The Science is Settled!

Offline: What is medicine’s 5 sigma?.pdf

Shocking report from Medical Insiders

They Don’t Know What They’re Doing: The Vaccine Paradigm’s Shaky Assumptions

© 7/16/2020 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

Flawed Medical Research May Be Ruining Your Health & Your Life (Important!) – Collective Evolution

TOXIC PRESS: The Blizzard of Bogus Journalism on Covid

Public Vaccine Policy Has Taken Science Hostage

Vaccine Scientific Denialism: The Vaccine Deep State’s Control Over Public Policy by Ignoring Real Science

The Disinformation Playbook

The Disinformation Playbook _ Union of Concerned Scientists,pdf

Why Everything You Learned About Viruses is WRONG.


Government and NGO’s:

Great Propaganda Tricks of today: W.H.O.and the sly redefinition of words

Health and Autonomy in the 21st Century


Media Distortion:

Silicon Valley Algorithm Manipulation Is The Only Thing Keeping MSM Alive


Ten Fake News Tactics

‘Anti-vax’ labelling and the mainstream media: Who is coordinating this?

How Censorship is re-defining Informed Consent as Misinformation 

Another CDC Whistleblower Adds Fuel to Vaxxed Film’s Fight Against Censorship

Direct-to-Consumer Drug Advertisements on Network Television An Exploration of Quantity, Frequency, and Placement 

Does Gates funding of media taint objectivity?

?Great propaganda tricks of today: acting as if .

Health and autonomy in The 21st Century

Social Media:

Facebook Rolls Out Weird ‘You’ve Been Exposed To Extremist Content’ Alerts

May 18, 2021 – Signature Reduction – How Pentagon’s Secret Army Of 60,000 Operatives Infiltrate & Manipulate Social Media

Poland Plans To Make Censoring Of Social Media Accounts Illegal

Proof That Twitter’s Censorship Of Big-Pharma Critics Is A Global Phenomenon

Tech Titans and Censorship—The Same People Profiting From The Quarantine Are Censoring Criticisms of It

YouTube’s CEO suggested content that ‘goes against’ WHO guidance on the coronavirus will get banned

Bring Free Speech Back to Social Media—Now – The American Mind

Facebook’s Censorship of Truthful Vaccine Information

Facebook “Fact-Checker” Misinforms Users about Vaccine Safety

Congressman Confronts Zuckerberg About Censoring Information About Vaccine Safety’s Mining Video Censored_ The Tale of Youtube’s Blatant Censorship and Propaganda

How to Beat Internet Censorship and Create Your Own Newsfeed

How Google Uses Mind Control Tactics To Promote Pro-Vaccine Industry Propaganda

Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies Speaks Out

Why the World Needs a Google Detox

Google is Now a Pharmaceutical Company – Fed Up Democrat



Highly cited COVID doctor comes to stunning conclusion: Gov’t ‘scrubbing unprecedented numbers’ of injection-related deaths

Cyber War Declared in U.S. and UK to Quash Vaccine Hesitancy as Nations Prepare for Mass Inoculations

© 11/16/20 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

The Vaccine Deep State: Controlling the Media and Government to Suppress Vaccine Facts

The Persuasion Game Manipulating Intention to Get a Covid-19 Vaccine

The unofficial vaccine educators_ are CDC funded non-profits sufficiently independent?

The TGA censors families of vaccine victims

The TGA censors families of vaccine victims.pdf

Judge Protects Merck Pharmaceutical Company Instead of the Public by Allowing Merck to Hide Side Effects of FDA Approved Drugs

Manufacturing Consent

Why have so many of us consenting to directives like lockdowns, masks and vaccines? There is substantial research showing lack of efficacy and of actual harm. Evidence based independent risk/benefit analysis is showing the ‘cures’ to be worse than the ‘disease’.

It doesn’t seem logical. But then decisions are often made out of emotions such as fear and confusion, rather than sound reasoning. Are we being subjected to emotional and psychological manipulation to engineer mass compliance?



#077: Debunking Propaganda with Jeremy Hammond



September 4, 2021 – AMA Propaganda Handbook Exposed, Doctors Brainwashing Pandemic And Vaccine Language, Dr Bryan Ardis With Stew Peters


An Animated Introduction to Noam Chomsky’s Manufacturing Consent and How the Media Creates the Illusion of Democracy

Interview with Noam Chomsky on Manufacturing Consent

Out of Shadows

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Holds a Press Conference in Berlin After Launching CHD’s Europe Chapter




Mainstream Media:

Winter, 2021 – AMA COVID-19 GUIDE Background/messaging on vaccines, vaccine clinical trials & combatting vaccine misinformation

4 September, 2021 – American Medical Association releases stunning document teaching doctors to LIE to patients while deliberately exaggerating covid death claims… the AMA admits to its own complicity in crimes against humanity

Silicon Valley Algorithm Manipulation Is The Only Thing Keeping MSM Alive

Opening the CIA’s Can of Worms

How CDC, WHO will fake the effects of the COVID vaccine to make it look like a success. 

The Persuasion Game Manipulating Intention to Get a Covid-19 Vaccine

‘Anti-vax’ labelling and the mainstream media Who is coordinating this?

The Disinformation Playbook


Mind and Social Control:

Fear Is Contagious and Used to Control You


Is Systemic Gaslighting The Government’s Answer To Covid-19?

Gaslighting is affecting you, your relationships and your politics


Global Uprising Underway

How the Government Uses Fear to Control


The Melbourne Syndrome


How They Do It: Classroom ‘Debates’ to Tackle Vaccine Hesitancy in France


Vaccine Misinformation:

19 April, 2023 – Pfizer funded a CDC “behavior change” project that targeted vaccine critics

Vaccine Fundamentalism—War Metaphors in the Covid-19 Response, Vaccine Policy, and Public Health, Part 1

Vaccine Fundamentalism—War Metaphors in the Covid-19 Response, Vaccine Policy, and Public Health, Part 2

Beware of Flu Shot Misinformation from Your Pediatrician’s Office!

Richard Di Natale’s (Greens Leader) False Vaccination Information in the Australian Parliament

Authorities warn conspiracies risk national security

New rules may allow Australian police to detain “conspiracy theorists”