Athletes’ deaths and injuries

No More Silence – Telling Our Stories 

Why, in recent months, have so many Sporting Athletes either collapsed or died?

It used to be a rarity for sporting athletes to suffer in this way, as they routinely go through strict, detailed medical examinations and stress tests. However, in recent months, there have been so many incidents of Deaths, Myocarditis, Pericarditis and Heart attacks, we have to ask, what is causing this catastrophic change?

It cannot be a coincidence that the Covid-19 Vaccine implementation has become forcefully mandated in many countries during this period, and it’s publicly noted worldwide that these Vaccines continue to cause countless Heart Related Issues.

The following fast-growing group of sports medical emergencies reflects just a tiny snapshot of….

The Covid-19 Vaccine Lottery!


The Sporting Athletes Video – Reality Not Rarity!

More Videos: 

January, 2020 – 339 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, 193 Dead After C0VID JAB



14 April, 2022 – 951 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 622 Dead, After COVID Shot  

19 March, 2022 – Complete COVID-19 Vaccine-Related Athlete Injury/Death List To-Date: 779 Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 500 Dead

23 January, 2022 – Vaccinated athletes perform worse than controls


8 December, 2021 – Investigation finds 278% increase in Worldwide Heart Attack Deaths among Soccer Players in 2021 so far

1 December, 2021 – They Were High-Performing Athletes … Until COVID Vaccines Destroyed Their Health



Lockdowns – Policy Impacts

Lock-downs or quarantines have throughout the ages been used as a policy for managing infectious illness. During epidemics and pandemics we have segregated the sick and the susceptible.

However the unprecedented response to Covid-19 has been to also severely restrict the healthy, and those in low risk age brackets.

This is a new experiment on a global scale which has had severely damaging effects on mental and physical health, relationships, education, employment, and widespread permanent closure of small and medium businesses.

The full impact will not be able to be identified for many years.

Deaths of despair are a very real long term consequence which alone are likely to exceed true Covid caused deaths.

The effectiveness of lock-down strategies in reducing the viral impact has never been supported by evidence-based science.

As the wave of deaths and hospitalizations subsides, many governments are increasingly mandating severe restrictions on freedom of movement.


It is becoming clearer that we are having Unalienable rights over-ridden by increasingly authoritarian dictates.

Draconian policies can not be justified. 



22 April, 2023 (podcast)  – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on Lockdowns: Excerpt from the Announcement Speech

On April 19, 2023, Robert F. Kennedy announced his intention to challenge Biden in the Democratic primary for president. As part of his announcement speech in Boston, he spoke bluntly about Covid lockdowns



August, 2021

March 23, 2021 – BREAKING: Sweden Admits People Not Dying at Higher Rate Due to Pandemic

No Science, No Shutdown

What No-one Is Saying About The Lockdowns!

Dolores Cahill – Time For Change Protest – Dublin

Watch Censored WORLD DOCTORS ALLIANCE Announce Lawsuit Against COVID-19 Global Lockdown


Second Wave Of Politicized Lockdowns Missing Science and Sanity – The Highwire

The Great Barrington Declaration and Herd immunity

CDC Director says There are More Suicides and Overdoses than COVID Deaths

Scott Atlas: I’m disgusted and dismayed


Research and articles:

30 August, 2023 – More on “What have we done to our children” -a quasi-experimental study on German school closures in 2020

“We show that prolonged school closures led to a substantial deterioration in youth health-related quality of life, precipitating early signs of mental health problems. The effects were most severe among boys, younger adolescents, and families with limited living space. “

From the opening paragraph of the “Results” section:

“The results show that each additional week of school closure is associated with a decrease in HRQoL (0.107 SD, P < 0.001) and increases in psychosomatic symptoms (0.072 SD, P < 0.05), behavioral and emotional health problems (0.089 SD, P < 0.05), and depressive symptoms (0.079 SD, P < 0.05). For the time period under study, there are no effects on anxiety symptoms.”

HRQoL = health-related quality of life

23 August, 2023 –  Ethical boundaries in medical decision-making can be blurred by circumstances

The debate as to how much “pandemic” harm was caused not by a virus, but rather by the dystopian response to the perceived threat of a virus, has been raging for some time now.

Jonathan tweeted about this last year in relation to Lombardy and that thread was turned into this Panda article.

An analysis of the spatial characteristics of deaths during the spring 2020 wave in Northern Italy was carried out by him along with a Panda colleague; this suggested that it looked nothing like a spreading virus, and more like the sudden imposition of a policy response.

27 May, 2023 – Lockdowns “Harmed Hundreds of Millions of People for Years to Come” – Major Study

Reviewing and synthesising 600 publications focused on the impact of the pandemic response, Dr. Kevin Bardosh of the Universities of Washington and Edinburgh concluded that these wide and deep societal harms “should challenge the dominant mental model of the pandemic response”.

Lockdowns harm major study pdf

11 May, 2023 –  The Longer Students Were Out of School, the Less They Learned

This paper in Taylor & Francis Online concludes that the longer students were out of school, the less they learned. It is estimated that for every week that schools were closed, learning levels declined by almost 1% of a standard deviation. This means that a 20 week closure, for example, would reduce learning outcomes by 0.20 standard deviation, almost one year of schooling.

23 April, 2023 – How many did the lockdowns kill?

In South Asia, for instance, a 2021 United Nations report estimates that lockdowns resulted in some 239,000 maternal and child deaths.

This is a figure higher than the total COVID-19 deaths in the region to date and by now likely might have doubled.

In 2020 alone, worldwide, 267,000 children under age 5 in low- and middle-income countries perished because of lockdowns.

25 August, 2022 – Research Reveals COVID Lockdowns Claimed 20x More Life Years Than They Saved

“The comparative analysis of different countries showed that the assumption of lockdowns’ effectiveness cannot be supported by evidence—neither regarding the present COVID-19 pandemic, nor regarding the 1918–1920 Spanish Flu and other less-severe pandemics in the past,” argue the researchers.

15 June, 2022 – A New York Times article claims without evidence that “Lockdowns Protected Older People”. The data show the opposite.

20 May,2022 – We Know the Damage Lockdowns Did to Our Children, So Never Again

17 May, 2022 – UK Toddlers Unable to Speak or Play Properly Due to COVID-19 Lockdowns

11 May, 2022 – The Inhumanity of Compulsory Virus Control

4 April, 2022 – How Children were impacted by Lockdowns

28 March, 2021 – More Than 400 Studies on the Failure of Compulsory Covid Interventions

25 March, 2021 – Lockdowns Are Unnecessary, Ineffective and Harmful and Must Never Happen Again

2 October, 2021 – Establishment Now Advocating Lockdowns — Not to Save You From Covid, But From Climate Change

29 September, 2021 – Australia’s Corporations Rebel Against Government’s Draconian COVID Lockdowns

21 September, 2021 – Former FDA Commissioner: Six Foot Social Distancing Rule Was ‘Arbitrary’

13 August, 2020 – Babies born during COVID-19 pandemic have lower IQs: Study says

Study Finds Children Born During Lockdown Have Lost IQ Points, Impaired Cognitive Functioning

Sweden’s economy actually grew in the first quarter after it opted against a full virus lockdown


10 August, 2021 – Youth depression and anxiety doubled during the pandemic, new analysis finds

1 August, 2021 – More Canadians Under 65 Died From Lockdowns Than From COVID-19

18 June, 2021 – Emergency Department Visits for Suspected Suicide Attempts Among Persons Aged 12–25 Years Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic — United States, January 2019–May 2021

June 17, 2021 – How Asymptomatic COVID Spread Used To Lockdown The World Was Based On A Lie

8 November, 2020 – Lockdown will claim equivalent of 560,000 lives’ because of recession

8 November 2020 – Is the Cost of a Lockdown Too High? Prof. Phillip Thomas 

Raw stats show the catastrophic folly of lockdowns



Viral Inequality: From Jeff Bezos to the struggle of Indian Farmers

United States:


“To the contrary, we find a positive association between SIP (shelter in place, a US term for
lockdowns) policies and excess deaths,” four economists and scientists from the University of
Southern California and the Rand Corporation conclude in a working paper for the National Bureau
of Economic Research.


The COVID Pandemic Could Lead to 75,000 Additional Deaths from Alcohol and Drug Misuse and Suicide

COVID’s Deadly Toll on Youth: A Sharp Rise in Suicides

Suicide among children during Covid-19 pandemic: An alarming social issue

Mental Health–Related Emergency Department Visits Among Children Aged <18 Years During the COVID-19 Pandemic..

Mental Health–Related Emergency Department Visits Among Children Aged 18 Years During the COVID-19 Pandemic..pdf

COVID Plans Include Family Separation & Involuntary Quarantine in “Camps”

New York Times Lies about Science to Push School Closures.

Draconian lockdowns putting 1.1 billion at risk of starvation says leading epidemiologist

How many seniors are going to die from lockdown loneliness?

Loneliness in Older Persons: A predictor of functional decline and death

Revolver Exclusive Study: COVID-19 Lockdowns Over 10 Times More Deadly Than Pandemic Itself

Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19, by Age and Race and Ethnicity — United States, January 26–October 3, 2020

Tech Titans and Censorship—The Same People Profiting From The Quarantine Are Censoring Criticisms of It • Children’s Health Defense

A Constitutional Reckoning of State Lockdown Orders.

The Devastating Economic Impact of Covid-19 Shutdowns

Losing life and livelihood: A systematic review and meta-analysis of unemployment and all-cause mortality

Losing life and livelihood_ A systematic review and meta-analysis of unemployment and all-cause mortality – ScienceDirect.pdf

Shutdowns Spur Mental Health Crisis in US, Experts Say

Stress from virus response will destroy 7 times more years of life than lockdowns save_ Study



29 September, 2021 – Australia’s Corporations Rebel Against Government’s Draconian COVID Lockdowns

26 August, 2021 – Warning of a ‘shadow pandemic’ of youth suicide after huge spike in teenage girls taking their own lives as helplines are flooded with calls and depression, eating disorders and self-harm reach record levels in lockdown

31 July, 2021 –  Health experts warn alcoholism rising across regional Australia as Dry July comes to an end

“1 in 5 Australians increased alcohol use during the lockdowns, “We know the statistics. We know that 93 per cent of hospital admissions at the weekend are alcohol-related. We know domestic violence is hugely related to alcohol consumption. We know it’s bad, and people are realising that.” 


29 June 2021 – What if lockdowns don’t save lives_

“Ian Hickie, Australia’s former health commissioner and head of the Brain and Mind Centre, projected the number of annual deaths by suicide in Australia to rise from 3,000 to up to 4,500, with young people comprising nearly half that number.

“We are facing a situation where between an extra 750 and 1500 suicides may occur annually, this in addition to the 3000-plus lives that are lost to suicide already every year,” Hickie said.”


Australia Projects More Suicides From Lockdowns Than Coronavirus Deaths

Melbourne curfew is not based on advice

Melbourne curfew is not based on advice – TOTT News.pdf


Covid-19 pandemic profit fallout 1_m_harrison



16 August, 2021 – Denmark plans to lift all anti-epidemic measures by September

The Coronapas will be completely abolished by October.

6 April, 2021 – Mental Health Costs of Lockdowns: Evidence from Age-specific Curfews in Turkey∗

The Results of Europe’s Lockdown Experiment Are In

8 November, 2020 – Lockdown will claim equivalent of 560,000 lives’ because of recession

8 November 2020 – Is the Cost of a Lockdown Too High? Prof. Phillip Thomas 

200,000 people could die because of delays in healthcare and economic effects of coronavirus lockdown, report warns

Opposing lockdown is NOT “profits before people”

Great Barrington Declaration

English Pub Opened in 1566 to Close Permanently Due to Anti Covid-19 restrictions



March 23, 2021 – BREAKING: Sweden Admits People Not Dying at Higher Rate Due to Pandemic

All eyes on the Swedish coronavirus experiment – UnHerd

EconomicPolicyJournal.com_ Do Lockdowns Save Many Lives_; Lets Take a Look at Sweden

How Lockdown Advocates Get Sweden Wrong Jeremy R Hammond

Sweden’s economy actually grew in the first quarter after it opted against a full virus lockdown

Sweden’s Success is Kryptonite for Lockdown and Mask Advocates

Swedish Covid-19 data 2020 FOHM Covid-19



August 01, 2021 – More Canadians Under 65 Died From Lockdowns Than From COVID-19

August 01, 2021

As the fallout numbers from the worldwide lockdowns are weighing heavily in Canada, with statisticians reporting that four times as many Canadians died from indirect causes of the lockdown than the number that died from COVID itself.

A government report, “Provisional Death Counts and Excess Mortality,” shows that 5,535 Canadians under the age of 65 died between January 2020 to April 2021 because of “indirect consequences” due to the pandemic. During that same time frame, the report says 1,380 Canadians in the same age group died because of COVID-19 itself. Indirect consequences include “delayed medical procedures, increased substance use or a decline in deaths attributable to other causes, such as influenza,” according to the report.

Shutdowns forced more Canadians to stay at home and the cancellation or postponement of medical procedures and vital support services, while many businesses were forced to close. During that time, Statistics Canada confirmed that substance abuse increased as did the mortality rate.

Most of the people who died from COVID-19 in Canada were over the age of 85 and had dementia, Alzheimer’s, chronic heart disease or other pre-existing “cardiovascular and respiratory conditions,” the report said.


Statistics Canada July 18, 2021

Statistics Canada Provisional Death Counts and Excess Mortality report July 12, 2021

2,114 excess suicides from Canadians losing their livelihood to the lockdowns

Projected increases in suicide in Canada as a consequence of COVID-19



15 January, 2021 – Increase in suicide following an initial decline during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan

15 January, 2021 – Increase in suicide following an initial decline during the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan.pdf

Suicide Claimed More Lives In October Than 10 Months Of COVID-19 In Japan, Report Shows

Japan ends its COVID-19 state of emergency

Japan’s state of emergency is no lockdown. What’s in it_ – ABC News

Two masks, no lockdown_ Japan PM’s latest coronavirus step riles social media – Reuters

Why is Japan still a coronavirus outlier_The Japan Times



TAIWAN: No Lockdowns, No Closed Businesses, Non-WHO Member, and Relatively Unaffected by COVID-19

Lockdowns failed to alter the course of pandemic and are now destroying millions of livelihoods worldwide, JP Morgan study claims

Lockdowns failed to alter the course of pandemic, JP Morgan study claims _ Daily Mail Online.pdf

Free states maintain survival advantage primarydoctor

Covid-19 a controlled study



The Great Barrington Declaration

Great Barrington Declaration.pdf

Lockdown_ The New Totalitarianism – AIER

1000s Of Cases But Zero Hospitalizations In Colleges: Good News But States Force Draconian Lockdowns



Why Are We Vaccinating Children Against COVID-19?

Mass and/or mandatory vaccination of children with unproven experimental COVID injections has very low, if any, benefit to healthy children who rarely become infected.  The risk of adverse  events is very substantial.

Parents and children are emotionally manipulated into believing that the child ‘vaccine’ will ‘protect’ grandma and grandpa, when the risk of transmission from asymptomatic children is zero or extremely negligible. Children are being asked to sacrifice their lives for the sake of the elderly. 

We are moving towards approval of mass vaccination of our children with an experimental inoculation which does not stop infection or transmission. ‘Protection’ is unproven. Injury and death rates to children are unknown. The risks may be substantial. The benefits to children are very low or perhaps non-existent.

What is this doing to children’s psyche? We are introducing fear of contagion, and restricting and interrupting their childhood learning and socialisation. Some children may feel guilty that they are stopping their parents going to work, and fearful that they could become responsible for hurting grandma and grandpa.

If a mother tests positive then her children are ‘close contacts’ and all their classes and their teachers must be PCR tested and isolate until the results are known. 

These ‘COVID safe’ mandatory policies are disrupting working parents incomes and jobs, children’s education and teachers careers and incomes in an unpredictable, random and chaotic way.

Tracking, tracing, testing, isolating and quarantining is impacting  mental and physical health, wellbeing and learning of children  as well as incomes and job security of parents.

Widespread PCR Testing of school children may produce false positives of 80% plus which in turn may build the support for ‘Provisional Approval’ (in Australia) or ‘Emergency Use Authorisation’ (In America) of experimental mRNA and DNA injections.

Children have substantial dangers from COVID vaccines of long-term reduction of natural immunity, as well as injury and death. 

Why on earth would we contemplate mass, and possibly mandatory COVID vaccination of children? 



14 December, 2021 – Why is Covid-19 Vaccination of Children an Unforgivable Sin?

This is an extract of Geert Vanden Bossche’s interview with Doctors for Life Philippines, where he talks about the importance of the natural immune system for children, and why mass vaccination in children is unforgivable.

1 December, 2021Dr. Angelina Farella Reports Pfizer’s Clinical Trials For Covid Shot Saw Huge Numbers of Children Develop Pericarditis

17 November, 2021 – Vaccines Kill More People than they Save 



6 December, 2021 – Zero COVID Deaths Among Healthy German Kids Ages 5 to 11, Study Shows

“A new study from Germany showed extremely few deaths among healthy children overall — including zero deaths among children 5 to 11 — suggesting some studies are designed to distort the risk to kids.”

3 December, 2021 – The real agenda behind mad dash to get every child on the planet injected against a virus that won’t affect them

Bill Gates’ Gavi Vaccine Alliance in 2018 published a paper on its INFUSE program that ought to be required reading for every parent of young children.

This document is guaranteed to give pause to any parent considering taking the advice of Dr. Anthony Fauci, their local public-school nurse or government-compliant pediatrician who insists they get their child jabbed.

10 August, 2021 – Why are we vaccinating children against COVID-19?


• Bulk of COVID-19 per capita deaths occur in elderly with     high comorbidities.
• Per capita COVID-19 deaths are negligible in children.
• Clinical trials for these inoculations were very short-term.
• Clinical trials did not address long-term effects most relevant to children.
• High post-inoculation deaths reported in VAERS (very short-term).

COVID-19 Experimental Injection Adverse Events Updates – Nov., 2021

image source:



27 November, 2021 – The Sporting Athletes Video – Reality Not Rarity! – No More Silence – Telling Our Stories

27 November, 2021 – Ballina, NSW Freedom Rally  – Adverse Events count




14 January, 2022 – The stunning increase in myocarditis rates after the vaccines rolled out


21 December, 2021 –  Here’s Why mRNA COVID Vaccines Might Be Messing With Our Innate Immunity

19 December, 2021 -What the VAERS Data Tell Us About COVID Jab Safety


Days after vaccination; CDC data for deaths up to June 18, 2021. 

COVID Vaccine Deaths on days 0,1, 2:   1,736   Total: 4,812 

Total COVID Vaccine Deaths as of November, 2021: 19,532

VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports


8 December, 2021 – Investigation finds 278% increase in Worldwide Heart Attack Deaths among Soccer Players in 2021 so far

6 December, 2021 – 120 Teens Hospitalized, 3 Dead Following Pfizer Vaccine Rollout for 15- to 17-Year-Olds in Vietnam

2 December, 2021 – Australia: 11x Post Covid Vax Deaths Than All Vaccines Combined Since 1971

1 December, 2021 – They Were High-Performing Athletes … Until COVID Vaccines Destroyed Their Health

25 November, 2021 – 89% of Covid-19 Deaths Among the Fully Vaccinated – Latest Data

23 November, 2021 – New Study From Germany Confirms Higher Vax Coverage –> Higher Excess Mortality

18 November 2021 – Everyone Missed This One… Vaccinated People Are Up to 9X More Likely to be Hospitalized Than The Unvaccinated

20 October, 2021 – Data Proves Covid-19 Deaths Rose Rapidly AFTER Vax Roll-Out In 40+ Countries


Why Vaccine Passports Should Be Rejected

Video: Tucker Carlson – Vaccine Passports


Why Vaccine Passports Must Be Rejected

Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola 

Fact Checked

  • August 28, 2021


  • Illinois has launched Vax Verify, an online COVID jab verification portal for residents. Anyone over the age of 18 can use the portal to check and download their shot records for events and businesses that require it

  • Identity authentication on the Vax Verify portal is done using a one-time verification process through the financial credit score company Experian — a decision that suggests the vaccine passport will be connected with financial information in the future

  • At the end of July 2021, Thales announced a digital biometric ID wallet, designed to help you “access government services from anywhere.” Thales admits vaccination passports “will act as a precursor to the rollout of mobile digital IDs”

  • The plan is to collect and join together as much personal information as possible, and there’s no reason to think this data won’t be shared for control, social engineering and profit. That’s what Google, Facebook and other platforms have done for years

  • The Great Reset ties you to its new social control system through an electronic ID linked to your bank account, health records and social credit system, so that it can then be used to dictate every facet of your life

August 12, 2021, NBC Chicago reported1 the launch of Vax Verify, an online COVID jab verification portal for residents of Illinois. Anyone over the age of 18 can use the portal to check and download their shot records for events and businesses that require it. Illinois Department of Public Health director Dr. Ngozi Ezike said in a statement:

“As more businesses, events, organizations, and others require proof of vaccination, Illinois residents will be able to confirm using Vax Verify that they have been vaccinated for COVID-19. With the current surge in cases, more people are making the decision to get a COVID-19 vaccine and this new tool will aid residents in confirming their vaccination where needed.”

Will Your Medical Status and Finances Be Tied Together?

Identity authentication on the Vax Verify portal is done using a one-time verification process through the financial credit score company Experian — a decision that suggests your medical history and finances might become interconnected in the future.

This is risky territory, considering we’re already hearing calls to exclude unvaccinated individuals from society in any number of ways. For example, politicians, government officials, health authorities, media personalities and common folk have suggested making life untenable for the unvaccinated by:2

Requiring them to get tested daily at their own expense

Docking their paychecks (provided they’re allowed to work at all)

Charging them nonrefundable quarantine fees

Denying them medical care at hospitals and private medical offices

Canceling their private insurance or raising premiums by thousands of dollars a year

Suspending their gun permits

Suspending their driver’s licenses

Denying access to loans

Withholding government assistance

Withholding federal benefits like Social Security, VA benefits, subsidized housing and pensions

Barring them from bars and restaurants

Barring them from exercise facilities and hotels

Barring them from buying food in grocery stores

Barring them from using public transportation and traveling on airplanes

The way we’re going, it’s not hard to imagine a near future in which unvaccinated people aren’t allowed to hold a job, get an education, travel or even have access to basic financial services. Taken at face value, the rhetoric thrown around right now indicates the plan is to basically destroy the life of anyone who refuses to consent to be a part of this medical experiment.

This is as coercive as it can possibly get, and coercing volunteers to participate in human medical trials is strictly forbidden by both national and international bioethics laws.3,4,5,6 Yet it’s happening at scale that is nothing short of mind-boggling, and with full support of the U.S. government.

It’s Not ‘Just a Vaccine Passport’

For years, Naomi Wolf, author of the book, “The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot,” has warned that the United States is on the path toward tyranny. In the book, she lays out 10 steps toward tyranny that have been followed by virtually all would-be tyrants, be they on the political left or right. They were followed in Italy in the ’20s, Germany in the ’30s, East Germany in the ’50s, Chile in the ’70s, China in the ’80s, and worldwide right now.

The 10 steps toward tyranny start with the invocation of a terrifying internal and/or external threat. It may be a real threat or an imagined one, but in all cases, it’s a hyped-up threat. From 2001 onward, that threat was terrorism, which was used as the justification for stripping us of our liberties.

The “war on terror” has now shifted from unknown terrorists to an even more elusive enemy: the virus. And unlike previous wars, enemies of the state now include a nation’s own citizens.

Punishable acts of terror have also shifted from blowing things up with explosives to simply disagreeing with our government about medical matters and opposing irrational health recommendations. “Opposition to COVID Measures” is now actually on the Department of Homeland Security’s list of potential terror threats.7

In a March 28, 2021, interview with Fox News’ Steve Hilton, Wolf explained how vaccine passports will ultimately be used to control you and erase human liberty and freedom altogether:8,9

“‘Vaccine passport’ sounds like a fine thing if you don’t understand what those platforms can do,” she said. “I’m CEO of a tech company, I understand what these platforms can do. It is not about the vaccine, it’s not about the virus, it’s about your data.

Once this rolls out, you don’t have a choice about being part of the system. What people have to understand is that any other functionality can be loaded onto that platform … It can be merged with your Paypal account, with your digital currency.

Microsoft is already talking about merging it with payment plans. Your network can be sucked up. It geolocates you everywhere you go. Your credit history can be included. All of your medical and health history can be included …

It is absolutely so much more than a vaccine pass … I cannot stress enough that it has the power to turn off your life, or to turn on your life, to let you engage in society or be marginalized.”

Digital ID Wallet Is Here

That the Great Reset is upon us is clear. At the end of July 2021, Thales announced10 a digital biometric ID wallet, designed to help you “access government services from anywhere.”

The article explains how the last 18 months have led to the necessity for digital equivalent of services we’d normally access in person. Here, Thales spells out what has so far been brushed off as a conspiracy theory:11

“So-called digital ‘vaccination passports’ will play a key role in enabling citizens to access all manner of services and will act as a precursor to the rollout of mobile digital IDs.”

Thales admits that this is the intention behind the rollout of vaccine passports in the European Union. Thales further explains that the digital IDs will:12

  • Enable you to authenticate your identity

  • Allow you to keep multiple documents in one place

  • Combine identity verification and payments

  • Manage digital signatures, thereby enabling the execution of contracts remotely

If you look at the list of suggested punishments for lack of COVID injection, you can see how this technology could make all those processes more or less automatic. The vaccine passport simply becomes a digital ID wallet, and without a digital ID wallet, you simply cannot do anything or go anywhere.

If you’re upset that PayPal and other digital transaction services are shutting down your account based on your personal views and the things you read,13 just wait until your entire life is tied to a digital ID and you miss your monthly mystery injection.

You might just find yourself a nonperson all of a sudden, with no access to food, money or services of any kind — and probably no real human being to complain or object to either.

Of course, this digital ID will undoubtedly be tied to a China-inspired social credit score as well, so you might become a persona non-grata — an unacceptable and unwelcome outcast — simply by crossing the street illegally or failing to pick up your dog’s poop. Video surveillance with facial recognition is everywhere, and you already carry a geolocation tracker (or two) on your person.

Legal Remedies for Privacy Violations Are Lacking

That vaccine passports will violate your privacy is virtually guaranteed. As noted by MSNBC columnist Tiffany Li in an article titled, “The Risks of COVID ‘Vaccine Passports’ Are Scarier Than You Might Think”:14

“The lack of a federal privacy law leaves digital vaccine passports vulnerable to privacy breaches, they don’t solve the glaring problem of vaccination inequality, and, perhaps most dangerously, they risk reinforcing a system of haves and have-nots when our poor and marginalized communities are already suffering disproportionately in the pandemic …

So while vaccine passports could help hasten the end of the pandemic, they also come with severe risks to privacy, equality and civil liberties. There are ways to design vaccine passport apps to preserve as much individual privacy as possible.

But the problem with any solution is that we lack legal remedies for privacy violations and technological discrimination … There are few legal limits to what data a vaccine passport app could collect, and things get complicated if people feel forced to use the apps to re-enter society.

Of course, there are ways to solve these privacy and security problems. Vaccine passport apps should collect as little information as possible — and only information that is strictly necessary to verify vaccinations.

States and companies would need to promise not to sell the information collected by the apps — or, at the very least, not to sell the health information or other sensitive private information.”

Forget Privacy — You’ll Have None

Unfortunately, that’s not the plan. On the contrary, the plan is clearly to collect and join together as much personal information as possible, and there’s no reason to think this data won’t be shared for someone else’s profit.

The Great Reset ties you to its control system through an electronic ID linked to your bank account, health records and social credit system, so that it can then be used to dictate every facet of your life.

That’s what Google, Facebook and other platforms have done for years. Big Data is an industry all its own, and they’re hardly going to forgo the chance to profit from the unprecedented amount of personalized data they can obtain from tapping into digital IDs. That seems a given at this point. Add to that the facts that:

  • We have a Rockefeller Foundation white paper15 stating that privacy must necessarily be loosened if we are to conquer biological threats

  • Biological threats are the new never-to-actually-end war because it’s the highway to the Great Reset

  • The Great Reset and subsequent technocratic rule depends on social engineering, and

  • Effective social engineering depends on big data from mass surveillance, combined with artificial intelligence

We’re Headed Someplace Few Want to Go

As explained by independent journalist James Corbett,16 the Great Reset ties you to its control system through an electronic ID linked to your bank account, health records and social credit system, so that it can then be used to dictate every facet of your life. If this pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that wannabe dictators don’t give power back to the people once they have it.

Once you’ve given up even a modicum of freedom, you have to fight tooth and nail to get it back. We see this in states all across the U.S. right now, where governors are still holding on to temporary emergency powers after more than 18 months. Freedom is simply never handed out, and protecting your freedom is a lot easier than getting it back once it’s been taken from you.

Also, understand that all the hardware, software, surveillance technology and artificial intelligence the technocrats need to run and ruin your life already exists. All they have to do is link everything together and tie all the various data points to each individual person. Once that’s done, you either obey whatever decree comes out next, or you’ll find yourself unplugged from the matrix that is everyday life.

In a January 7, 2021, article titled “Technocrats Embrace a New COVID Policy: Vaccine Passports,”17 Mitchell Nemeth noted that “For now, the concept of a vaccine passport is only an idea in the abstract.” Fast-forward a mere seven months, and we’re already in the thick of it, with state and national governments around the world rolling out health passports and mandates to match.

At the time, Nemeth pointed out that the Chinese Communist Party was embracing the idea and urged countries to “harmonize” their policies with that of China, where QR codes are used to designate who may or may not enter public spaces, based on their infection status — using a test now known to produce mostly false positives.

China’s surveillance system is such they can track to the minute an infected person’s journey through the city, automatically tagging each and every person they came within 6 feet of along the way, so they can then get a no-go QR code and have to quarantine at home.

CDC Misled Us About Outdoor Transmission Risk

While we’re on the topic of transmission, I hope you watch Tucker Carlson’s report at the top of this article. He covers quite a bit of ground in just 15 minutes, including the revelation that the CDC lied when it claimed outdoor transmission accounted for “less than 10% of COVID cases” — a statistic that led to the recommendation to wear a mask when walking or exercising outdoors.

As it turns out, the 10% statistic was “based partly on a misclassification of some COVID transmission that actually took place in enclosed spaces,” according to The New York Times, which broke the story in early May 2021.18

“Saying that less than 10% of COVID transmission occurs outdoors is akin to saying that sharks attack fewer than 20,000 swimmers a year. (The actual worldwide number is around 150.) It’s both true and deceiving,” The New York Times said.

What’s more, even indoors, the transmission rate is exceedingly low — likely below 1% and possibly as low as 0.1%, Carlson reports. So, even indoors, your risk of getting infected is low, with or without a mask. Certainly, you accomplish nothing good by wearing it outdoors, particularly if you’re exercising.

‘Passports Don’t Prove Immunity; Only Compliance’

Getting back to the passport issue, in a mid-August 2021 blog post,19 independent journalist Sharyl Attkisson pointed out what should be obvious to everyone yet for some reason still isn’t: “Vaccine passports don’t prove immunity; only compliance.”

The reason is simple. The COVID shots don’t prevent infection or transmission. This is admitted by all COVID shot developers, the CDC and real-world infection data. Since the shots cannot prevent infection or transmission, those who have gotten the jab are no less of a risk to other people than an unvaccinated person. So, what public health benefit, exactly, does the vaccine passport offer?

“The only sure thing a vaccine ‘passport’ or verification proves is that somebody complied with advice or mandates,” Attkisson writes. “It does not guarantee that the person has any level of immunity. The person could be infected with COVID-19, and could be spreading it to others.

Meantime, absent from much public discussion is the broader and longer lasting immunity scientists believe is enjoyed by the 120 million+ Americans who have recovered with COVID (or been infected without showing any symptoms).

This group, according to the bulk of scientific data, generally has better protection than the group of vaccinated patients, particularly among the vaccinated for whom the vaccines are no longer proving as effective as the early months after the shots. What do you think is behind the push to require vaccination and passports, and ignore natural immunity?”

Commenters on Attkisson’s blog overwhelmingly thought the intention behind vaccine passports is power grabbing, population control and increasing the Big Pharma revenue stream. What’s your take?

How Might Vaccine Passports Affect Our Economy?

In closing, a blog post by the Birch Gold Group, a precious metal IRA specialist, delves into how vaccine passports might affect the financial realm and reshape the economic landscape:20

“Yes, it’s an official concern now … A mandatory ‘vaccine passport’ … Should a mandatory vaccine passport system be implemented, life will never be normal again … Such a program would mean that around half the country could be put in the position of hearing they have no right to employment or possibly even general interaction in trade because they won’t take the experimental jab …

Second, we have to consider what the immediate economic and financial effects will be in light of this conflict. For example, look at the amount of relocation and migration that has happened in the U.S. in the past year alone … As has been well documented, blue states are much slower in recovering economically when compared to red states with less restrictions. Not only that, but money moves with people. This is a hard reality …

But let’s say for a moment that vaccine passports were somehow implemented everywhere in the country at the same exact time. What would happen then? Well, the amount of bureaucracy that would be added between the average consumer and everyday trade would be immense, and with red tape comes a slowdown in business.

Whole new wings of the government would have to be created to track and enforce vaccine passports rules … Regular inspections of businesses would have to be enacted, and new taxes would have to be created to pay for the system …

The end result would be the complete disintegration of the small business sector … and of course many millions of jobs would be lost in the process. Less competition means ever increasing prices and a lower quality of goods and services …

Then again … [w]hen governments restrict domestic trade and limit consumer participation based on frivolous requirements, people … find other ways to get the things they need more freely. This means black market trade or barter markets, alternative currencies and sometimes entire underground economies …

And this is where the government disguise of humanitarianism will really fall away and true tyranny will be revealed … By providing services for each other, common people would be ‘opening the door’ to survival outside of the system, and if survival is possible, then non-vaccination is possible. Therefore, the argument will be made by the establishment that alternative economies need to be eliminated ‘for the good of society as a whole.’

There is always an excuse for totalitarianism. With a large portion of the population seeking a means to live without oppression, alternative markets will thrive, and the government will make war on them. Which means the people will be forced to make war on the government. It’s inevitable under every scenario …

Straight barter will be useful, but so will precious metals (especially gold and silver) along with other hard commodities with intrinsic value and utility. What I see in the near future is economic disaster in the wake of any attempt at a vaccine passport system. Millions will lose their jobs or quit their jobs in protest.

Small businesses will disappear under the weight of bureaucracy and constant scrutiny. The quality of goods and services will suffer as competition shrivels. But I also see the birth of a whole new economic system outside of the mainstream control grid. I see true free markets returning, and eventually, I see full blown rebellion.

What I suggest is that people get ready for this eventuality. We need to become producers again, rather than mere consumers. In order to position ourselves for success in the new trade environment we have to be able to make necessities, repair necessities or teach necessary skills. Those that are able to do this will do very well within alternative markets.”

Reject Vaccine Passports

Like the author of that Birch Gold piece, I see nothing positive coming from mandatory COVID injections and vaccine passports, only the destruction of lives and livelihoods. And that’s not even taking into account the potential destruction of people’s health.

Already, roughly half of the American population has put themselves at risk for serious health problems in the future, the full extent of which remains to be seen. Can the health care system survive such an onslaught?

Will the medical system even survive in the long term if worst-case predictions come true and people realize they’ve been duped by people they’ve been brought up to trust with their lives? And who’s going to pay for the medical carnage — again, if worst-case suspicions do come true?

The way out of this nightmare, I believe, is to just say “No” now, while there’s still enough of us to turn this tide around. Yes, you might lose your job. Don’t quit. Let them fire you and get the cause (vaccine refusal) in writing. Yes, you might not be able to fly on certain airlines for the time being, or go on a cruise this summer. This is about the long game. Any freedom you’re willing to give up today, you won’t get back tomorrow.

Remember, the vaccine passport/digital ID wallet will only remain valid as long as you’re in compliance with the rules of the day. Right now, the price of admission to society is one or two COVID shots. In a couple of months, it’ll be another shot. And then another, and then something else.

Once you’re get on this compliance treadmill, you cannot get off. You have to keep complying, no matter what’s asked, or lose your “privileges” — which used to be everyday freedoms we’ve taken for granted our entire lives. Is that really the life you want for yourself and your children?

If not, you have to be brave. The good news is that in this war, we don’t have to dodge bullets. But we do have to exercise moral courage, and simply say “No, I won’t give up my freedom. Not for a virus. Not for anything.”

– Sources and References

  • 1 NBC Chicago August 11, 2021

  • 2 August 12, 2021

  • 3 The Belmont Report

  • 4 Nuremberg Code of 1947

  • 5 UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

  • 6 WMA Declaration of Helsinki

  • 7 Todd Starnes/NBC News August 14, 2021

  • 8 Real Clear Politics March 29, 2021

  • 9 The Epoch Times March 29, 2021

  • 10, 11, 12 Thales Group July 29, 2021

  • 13 New York Post July 29, 2021

  • 14 MSNBC April 23, 2021

  • 15 The Rockefeller Foundation, National COVID-19 Testing Action Plan — Strategic Steps to Reopen Our Workplaces and Our Communities, April 21, 2020 (PDF)

  • 16 Corbett Report October 16, 2020

  • 17 Medium January 7, 2021

  • 18 New York Times May 11, 2021, updated May 25, 2021

  • 19 Sharyl Attkisson August 16, 2021

  • 20 August 4, 2021

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Pregnancy and the Jabs

All vaccines and now gene therapy injectables,  come with dubious safety and efficacy profiles. Pregnant women are particularly at risk.

The COVID-19 mRNA inoculations have been developed extremely quickly. The trials did not include pregnant women. Where is the evidence of safety?

The safety data will only become available as more and more pregnant women get the jab under ‘Emergency Use Authorisation’ (EUA) or ‘Provisional Approval’.

The Phase 3 Trials are being rolled out as mass vaccination across the world. All who get vaccinated are subjects of experimental vaccines* never trialed on humans before.

* mRNA or adenovirus.

Pregnancy adverse events from the jab are generally not reported in hospital and are attributed to ‘getting COVID’!

Reporting systems such as VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) and DAEN (Database of Adverse Event Notifications – Australia ) are purely voluntary and represent only 1-10% of actual adverse reactions in pregnant women .

Governments are strongly recommending COVID-19 vaccination of pregnant women and severe restrictions on the unvaccinated. This is in the face of very concerning early data on spontaneous abortions and ectopic pregnancies, as well as adverse events of pregnant women. Some countries such as Norway do not recommend COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant women during the formative first trimester. 

Early research has been compromised and flawed due to conflicts of interest. Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons has twenty one authors, all of whom work for the CDC (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention) and/or the FDA (Food and Drug administration).    Not one has declared the  ‘red flag’ fatally flawed statistical errors hiding the seven-fold increase in spontaneous abortions after the COVID jab.

How did the researchers get away with manipulating the figures? 104 women out of 127 who received a COVID-19 vaccine in the first trimester, had a spontaneous abortion: 82%.

They diluted the figures by claiming that those who had spontaneous abortions were part of the total count of all those who were pregnant (827). However, by definition, spontaneous abortions only occur up to week twenty of pregnancy. Beyond twenty weeks they are classed as stillbirths.

The poor quality of results was compounded by the fact that more than 3000 women were never followed up. Additionally there was no data published on ability to conceive post-injection.

The onus is on pharmaceutical corporations and health departments to prove safety. The only way to achieve this is by voluntary fully informed consent of pregnant women, or women planning pregnancy in these Phase 3 trials. This is not happening.

Absence of proof of safety does not exclude the possibility of harm!




27 April, 2024 – The Covid shots are catastrophic to pregnant women and unborn babies. Why are they risking the future of humanity? Dr. James Thorp

Typically the CDC see a 2 fold increase as a danger signal But our studies show a 1500 fold increase in menstrual abnormality A 58 fold in Miscarriages and a 38 fold in Fetal death VAERS reproductive reports:                                                                                                                                                                                                  COVID-19 Vaccines: The Impact on Pregnancy Outcomes
and Menstrual Function
James A. Thorp, M.D. et al. 

23 August, 2023 –  Disturbing Trend: Maternal Death Rates Have Soared 50% Since Vaccine Rollout in America

“The CDC separately has told us 65% of women who delivered a baby in the United States took a shot either before the pregnancy or during the pregnancy.”


4 August, 2023 – Shocking FOIA Results: $11 Million to Bribe OB-GYNs to Lie to Moms About Safety of MRNA-Vaccines

I interviewed fetal-maternal medicine specialist Dr James Thorp recently; he has been one of the very few medical providers for pregnant women and babies, to have raised the alarm about massive damage to women and babies via the mRNA injection. The interview, in a transcript  that I have edited for clarity, is one of the most important exchanges of our time.

1 June, 2023 – Dr. Naomi Wolf Uncovers Pfizer’s Depopulation Agenda, as Evidenced by Its Own Documents

Dr. Naomi Wolf Uncovers Pfizer’s Depopulation Agenda, as Evidenced by Its Own Documents

“This is a mystery novel in which the question is, how do we stop women from having healthy babies? That’s the story of the Pfizer documents.”

Read More:


25 August, 2022 – Dr Luke McLindon speaks to Graham Hood 

Dr McLinden recently spoke at length with Graham Hood on his Club Grubbery on social media. Hood said “dozens of doctors” were now approaching his group. McLinden had sounded warnings to pregnant women about potential miscarriages following mRNA shots. His personal research revealed pregnancy losses in up to 74% of the vaccinated women in his practice – 4.6 to 14.8 times higher than typical normal rates of loss which range from 5 to 16% (58 – 69% above typical losses).

10 December, 2021 – Dr. Daniel Nagase: Stillbirths Exploding Across Canada In Fully “Vaxxed” Mothers


1,969 Fetal Deaths Recorded Following COVID-19 Shots – Criminal CDC Recommends Pregnant Women Get It



7 January, 2025 – The Risks of Being Vaccinated During Pregnancy

Despite assurances from health authorities, recent evidence and expert testimonies suggest that vaccines given during pregnancy pose a significant risk to both mother and baby.   This article covers the following: 

Lack of Proper Testing for Pregnant Women

Alarming Reports of Adverse Effects

The Role of Adjuvants and Ingredients

Trusting Your Natural Immunity

Steps to Protect Yourself and Your Baby

A Call for Transparency and Caution


5 January, 2025 – Evidence of Harm to Unborn and Nursing Infants and Their Mothers

On April 23, 2021, during a high-profile White House COVID-19 press briefing, CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky announced CDC’s new recommendation that all pregnant women receive the COVID-19 “vaccine.” Apparently basing this recommendation on a misleading CDC study published just days before, Walensky publicly declared that the vaccines appeared to be safe for pregnant women.

However, the study showed precisely the opposite.



30 November, 2024 – Major Birth Abnormalities Surge Among Covid-Vaccinated Mothers

Newly emerged data has revealed an alarming surge in major birth abnormalities among mothers who have received Covid mRNA “vaccines.”

The shocking discovery was revealed in Pfizer’s own pregnancy trial data.

Pfizer recently updated the results of their randomized clinical trial of the Covid injections on pregnant women.

The clinical trial, ID NCT04754594, is entitled: “To Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, and Immunogenicity of BNT162b2 Against COVID-19 in Healthy Pregnant Women 18 Years of Age and Older.”

The results from the trial were analyzed by MIT computer scientist and data expert Steve Kirsch.

Kirsch, the inventor of the optical computer mouse, is the founder of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (VSRF).

After breaking down the clinical trial results, Kirsch made a chilling discovery.

Kirsch found that mothers who received a Covid mRNA “vaccine,” before or during their pregnancy, were over four times more likely to give birth to a baby with major congenital abnormalities.

The data reveals that “vaccinated” mothers had a stunning 4.2X higher rate of Adverse Events of Special Interest (AESI) when compared to unvaxxed moms.



1 September, 2024 – Are Vaccines, Hormones and Pregnant Women a Lethal Combination?

A few weeks ago, I wrote an article about how pregnant women are being advised to get the whooping cough vaccination during pregnancy.

I explained that although doctors and health care professionals were portraying the whooping cough vaccination as a single vaccine, in reality there is no such thing as a single vaccine for whooping cough and that instead they are being given ADACEL, a vaccination for Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertusis (whooping cough).

During my research, I discovered that according to the ADACEL information sheet, Adacel may be causing a higher percentage of miscarriage and babies born with serious birth defects.


27 April, 2024 – Dr. James Thorp: “The COVID Shots Are Catastrophic to Pregnant Women and Unborn Babies. Why Are They Risking the Future of Humanity? “

The Covid shots are catastrophic to pregnant women and unborn babies. Why are they risking the future of humanity? – Dr. James Thorp

Typically the CDC sees a 2 fold increase as a danger signal

But our studies show a 1500-fold increase in menstrual abnormality 58-fold in Miscarriages and a 38-fold in Fetal death.

COVID-19 Vaccines: The Impact on Pregnancy Outcomes
and Menstrual Function
James A. Thorp, M.D. et al.


15 November, 2023 – How to Make COVID Vaccines Appear to be “Safe for Pregnancy”

Answer: just remove most-likely-to-miscarry vaccinated women from the data! 

A newly published study that intended to prove that COVID vaccines are safe for women trying to become pregnant is raising more questions than it answers.

The study appears to intentionally exclude women most likely to experience miscarriage, but only among the vaccinated cohort!

14 November, 2023 – OB-GYN Drops Alarming Miscarriage Data Before Congress: “I’ve Never Seen This Before”

Dr. Kimberly Biss, an OB-GYN who has been involved in 8,000 pregnancies, details how miscarriage rates have doubled year-over-year since the introduction of the COVID-19 injections.

6 November, 2023 – Did Pfizer stop recruiting for their pregnancy trial because of adverse events in infants?

Pfizer had completed their randomized study but instead of enrolling the planned 4,000 moms-to-be, they enrolled 683 and only 161 women received 2 vaccines and 159 got placebo & completed the blinded period.

Why did the trial stop enrolling when it was so tiny? 

Could it be they found a concerning signal and did not want to chance letting it become significant? 

Could it have been this 👇🏻? That 5.1% of infants of vaccinated moms had adverse events of special interest (AESI) between birth and 6 months while only 1.3% of infants in the control arm had AESIs?

Because they limited the size of the trial, Pfizer can always say they didn’t find a significant signal. But if they don’t look, how can they find it?

Also, why are there only 156 infants in the vaccine arm and 159 in the placebo arm when 161 women received the vaccine and 159 received the placebo (and completed the blinded period)?                                                                      

3 September, 2023 – Report 83: 23% of Vaccinated Mothers’ Fetuses or Neonates Died. Suppressed Lactation and Breast Milk Discoloration Reported.

Pfizer Post-Marketing Report by Barbara Gehrett, MD; Joseph Gehrett, MD; Chris Flowers, MD; and Loree Britt                                                                                                                         

  • Twenty-eight deaths of either a fetus or neonate happened to women in the vaccinated group (124 women). So, 23% of the vaccinated mothers had fetuses or newborns who died.

    • These “losses” were described as spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) or various other terms which mean death of the fetus or baby.

23 August, 2023 – Disturbing Trend: Maternal Death Rates Have Soared 50% Since Vaccine Rollout in America

“The CDC separately has told us 65% of women who delivered a baby in the United States took a shot either before the pregnancy or during the pregnancy.”

Aterrible report by the National Center for Health Statistics, published on the CDC website, came out in the spring of this year, reported world-renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough. What that report shows is that maternal death rates are increasing in America — and fast.

1 June, 2023 – Dr. Naomi Wolf Uncovers Pfizer’s Depopulation Agenda, as Evidenced by Its Own Documents

“There’s a section of the Pfizer documents in which Pfizer breaks down the adverse events and concludes that women sustain 72% of them,” she continued. “And of those — and these are Pfizer’s words — 16% are quote-unquote “reproductive disorders” compared to 0.49% for men. So they’re very focused on reproduction, on female reproduction.”

1 June, 2023 –Vaccinating pregnant mother is vaccinating child in utero, neonate: warning, COVID vaccine induced antibodies passively transferred to neonates may subvert, damage natural innate antibobies..

COVID vaccine induced antibodies passively transferred to neonates may subvert, damage natural innate antibobies from being ‘educated’, ‘trained’; neonates may be passively immunized to SARS-CoV-2 infection & the high-affinity vaccinal antibodies can outcompete infant’s innate antibodies for antigen.

23 April, 2023 – The disturbing truth about ‘safe’ vaccines for mothers-to-be – The Conservative Woman

Concentration of LNPs in ovaries, a doubled pregnancy early loss rate, and raised foetal abnormality rate across all measured categories indicate that designating a safe-in-pregnancy label (B1 category in Australia) was contrary to the available evidence. 

21 April, 2021 – Pfizer MATISSE Trial Targets Pregnant Women for Bivalent RSV Vaccine

Unprecedented Pregnancy Study Fails on Efficacy, Durability, and Offers No Assurances on Long-Term Safety

19 April, 2023 – The False Messaging on Vaccines Given to Pregnant Women

Regulatory authorities knew that animal studies showed major red flags regarding both pregnancy loss and fetal abnormalities, consistent with the systemic distribution of the mRNA they had been hiding from the public. 

1 March, 2023 – Fact check: “The covid vaccine is safe for pregnant women” Verdict: False

While anybody with any level of capacity for rational thought knows by now that there is (and never was) any need for women to get vaccinated before or during pregnancy, many still assume that the vaccine likely does no harm to them.

24 February 2023 – EXCLUSIVE: Whatever happened to Pfizer’s covid vaccine trial in pregnant women?

The trial began in 2021. But over a year after the last woman was enrolled, the company just admitted it still doesn’t have the data.

1 September, 2022 – UK Govt Tells Pregnant Women Not To Take The Vaccine

Sudden Surge in Stillbirths & Menstrual Changes

Story at-a-glance

  • At Lions Gate Hospital in North Vancouver, British Columbia, 13 babies were allegedly stillborn in a period of 24 hours; all of their mothers had received a COVID-19 injection

  • At a rally outside the hospital, doctors launched an official complaint with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police against executives at the College of Physicians & Surgeons of BC, alleging conflicts of interest influencing their policies, decisions and statements made to the people of British Columbia

  • Scotland has also experienced an unusual rise in infant death rates; during September 2021, at least 21 babies under 4 weeks died — a rate of 4.9 per 1,000 births, up from an average of 2 per 1,000 births

  • As of November 12, 2021, there were 2,620 cases of fetal death or stillbirth among women who received a COVID-19 injection reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)

  • The CDC-sponsored study that was widely used to support the U.S. recommendation for pregnant women to get injected “presents falsely reassuring statistics”

  • When the risk of miscarriage was recalculated to include all women injected prior to 20 weeks’ gestation, the incidence was seven to eight times higher than the original study indicated, with a cumulative incidence of miscarriage ranging from 82% to 91%


“A re-analysis of these figures indicates a cumulative incidence of spontaneous abortion ranging from 82% (104/127) to 91% (104/114), 7–8 times higher than the original authors’ results.” (Source)


Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons _ NEJM

“Early data from the v-safe surveillance system, the v-safe pregnancy registry, and the VAERS do not indicate any obvious safety signals with respect to pregnancy or neonatal outcomes associated with Covid-19 vaccination in the third trimester of pregnancy”. The ‘elephant in the room’: COVID-19 vaccine had an 82% incidence of spontaneous abortion in the first trimester!

Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons – Correction – 24 October, 2021

“In the table footnotes, the following content should have been appended to the double dagger footnote:

“No denominator was available to calculate a risk estimate for spontaneous abortions, because at the time of this report, follow-up through 20 weeks was not yet available for 905 of the 1224 participants vaccinated within 30 days before the first day of the last menstrual period or in the first trimester. Furthermore, any risk estimate would need to account for gestational week–specific risk of spontaneous abortion.”

 Spontaneous Abortions and Policies on COVID-19
mRNA Vaccine Use During Pregnancy

“The study presents falsely reassuring
statistics related to the risk of spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy, since the majority of women in the calculation were exposed to the mRNA product after the outcome period was defined (20 weeks’gestation).”


Experts Warn of ‘Huge Risk’ as Moderna Launches COVID Vaccine Trials for Pregnant Women


2,433 Dead Babies in VAERS as Another Study Shows mRNA Shots Not Safe for Pregnant Women

“There have been more fetal deaths in the past 11 months following COVID-19 shots than there have been for the past 30+ years following ALL vaccines” (2,198 – Source.)

VAERS Data Reveals 50 X More Ectopic Pregnancies Following COVID Shots than Following ALL Vaccines for Past 30 Years

“That means that following COVID-19 injections into child-bearing women for the past 11 months has seen a 50 X increase in ectopic* pregnancies compared to child-bearing women receiving vaccines for the past 30+ years.”

June 24, 2021 – “Spike protein in breast milk is toxic” Alschner.Klartext

Use Google Translate to translate this article into English. Below are relevant translated excerpts:

Byram Bridle is Professor of Virology and Immunology at the University of Guelph, Canada. A few days ago, Bridal spoke to radio presenter Alex Pierson with a serious warning about the genetically engineered Covid vaccines . Together with other colleagues in Japan, Bridle had submitted an inquiry to the local registration authority about the Freedom of Information Act – and received information about the previously inaccessible animal test data on the mRNA vaccine from Pfizer and Biontech.

The data, in particular the pharmacokinetic overview tables, show that the mRNA nanoparticles do not remain locally at the puncture site in the muscle tissue, as assumed and claimed by the manufacturers, but reach the organs in sometimes dramatic concentrations…

Bridle warned, “We made a mistake. The spike protein is itself toxic and dangerous to humans. ”It is even transmitted to breastfed children through breast milk.

The spike protein gets into the blood, circulates in the blood for several days after vaccination. It accumulates as soon as it enters the blood and accumulates in a number of tissues such as the spleen, bone marrow, liver, adrenal glands, and, what is particularly worrying to me, it accumulates in fairly high concentrations the ovaries .



SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccine (BNT162, PF-07302048) Pharmacokinetics Organ Distribution


Government Promotion: 

1 September, 2023 – COVID-19 advice for pregnant women and new parents

COVID-19 vaccinations for women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning pregnancy

COVID-19 vaccines are recommended for women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning pregnancy. Pregnant women who have already received a primary course should discuss with their doctor or vaccination provider whether a booster dose is required during their pregnancy.

Information on COVID-19 vaccination can be found in the COVID-19 vaccination – Shared decision making guide for women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning pregnancy .

For more information read the latest guidance from ATAGI  or talk to your doctor, midwife or vaccination provider.

COVID-19 advice for pregnant women and new parents _ NSW Government.pdf

Clinical recommendations for COVID-19 vaccines _ Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.pdf

Pregnancy, breastfeeding or planning pregnancy

Bivalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are preferred for the primary course and for booster doses in pregnant women.

 There is a large body of evidence supporting the safety and effectiveness of ancestral-based (original) mRNA vaccines in pregnancy.2,3

2.         Sadarangani M, Soe P, Shulha HP, et al. Safety of COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy: A Canadian National Vaccine Safety (CANVAS) network cohort study. The Lancet Infectious Diseases 2022;22:1553-64.

3.         Shimabukuro TT, Kim SY, Myers TR, et al. Preliminary findings of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine safety in pregnant persons. N Engl J Med 2021;384:2273-82.                                       

COVID-19 vaccination – Shared decision making guide for women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or planning pregnancy _ Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.pdf


21 November, 2021 – Australian Government – COVID-19 vaccination – The best time for pregnant women to get vaccinated is right now

Women Who are Pregnant are a Priority Group for COVID-19 Vaccination


UK – Information about COVID-19 Vaccination in Pregnancy


Covid Vaxxed vs unvaxxed


 The fully vaccinated public is beginning to wake up and understand they have been conned. They are the ones spreading COVID, not the unvaccinated, who have natural immunity instead.

Full article:



19 August, 2023 – The Control Group  German study comparing the health of vaccinated & unvaccinated. 

The study found that vaccinated individuals experienced more and more severe complaints compared to unvaccinated individuals. The overall complaint severity was two times higher in the vaccinated group.


25 October, 2021 – Fully Vaccinated are Suffering Far Higher Rates of Infection than the Unvaccinated, and It is Getting Worse


7 January, 2021 – Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age


Fully Vaccinated Sydney Gym thrown into Isolation over COVID cases – the madness never ends

25 October, 2021 – Fully Vaccinated are Suffering Far Higher Rates of Infection than the Unvaccinated, and It is Getting Worse


11 October, 2021 – Many Tennis Stars Declining to Get COVID Shot




Doctors and Health Professionals Speak Out


12  October, 2021 – Registered Nurse 39yrs+ blows whistle on live on Radio

7 October, 2021 – Winning the War Against Therapeutic Nihilism – Dr. Peter McCullough, AAPS 

3 October, 2021 – Dr. Nathan Thompson examines blood panel of a patient before and after vaccination. The results are alarming!


To understand the gross incompetence of our Australian health bureaucrats, listen to my discussion with Dr Brian Tyson, from the USA.

7 July, 2021 – Dr. Sucharit Bhakti: We have Covid-19 herd immunity!

6 July, 2021 – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Goes FULL TRUTH With Explosive Fact Based Spew on ‘Stew Peters Show

6 July, 2021 – Dr Charles Hoffe – July 6 Update on his CV patients

May, 2021 -COVID-19 Management With Dr. Paul Marik – Author Of MATH+ Protocol

13 May, 2021 – Interview with Dr Mark Hobart (Australia) 

May, 2021 – From Australia, a Medical Witness to the Worst Shutdown

September 17, 2020 – DR EAMONN MATHIESON SPEAKS OUT (Australia)

Dr. Simone Gold – The truth about the CV19 vaccine



Cornwall nurse speaks out Nov 4 2020

International ALERT MESSAGE Of Health Professionals To Governments & Citizens Of The WORLD

Dr Zac Bush and Del Bigtree: The Most Watched Interview of 2020. 

Dr. Zac Bush talks to Robert F Kennedy Jnr

International ALERT MESSAGE Of Health Professionals To Governments & Citizens Of The Whole WORLD



Honest Experts Are Trying to Warn You! Vaccines, Lockdowns, Masks &amp; More

German video Crimes Against Humanity Dr Reiner


Thousands of medical doctors say the pandemic was planned


American Front Line Doctors Hold 2nd Summit in Washington

Watch Censored WORLD DOCTORS ALLIANCE Announce Lawsuit Against COVID-19 Global Lockdown


Doctors provide differing opinion on shelter-in-place order, say county should reopen

Great Barrington Declaration

‘Plandemic’ Documentary



Dr. George Fareed and Dr. Brian Tyson share early treatment protocol

Doctors who explain clearly why vaccines aren’t safe or effective.

Great Barrington Declaration

Great Barrington Declaration signatures

International ALERT MESSAGE Of Health Professionals To Governments & Citizens Of The WORLD: Petition

Over 34,000 Health Experts Sign Declaration Against COVID-19 Lockdowns, Petition by Epidemiologists Claims

COVID has Caused Tens of Thousands of Medical Doctors and Scientists to Wake Up to Corruption in the Medical Industry
Top Pfizer Whistleblower Trashes Company’s Vaccine ‘Breakthrough’ Spin

A Huge Number of Medical Doctors Ask for a Reassessment of the Corona Measures

John Ioannidis Warned COVID-19 Could Be a “Once-In-A-Century” Data Fiasco. He Was Right

The Lancet’s editor: ‘The UK response to coronavirus is the greatest science policy failure for a generation”

Heiko Schoning, MD

“What Kind of a Country Have We Become?”

“Doctors for the Truth” Speak Out in Madrid, Denounce Covid-19 “False Pandemic”

“STOP the Manipulation, Masks, Lies, Fear”- international collective of healthcare professionals

Doctors letter to Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews – An Alternative Medical Response to Covid-19

A Doctors’ Open Letter to Daniel Andrews

‘Safe Vax’ Doctor Blasts Vic Govt For Spreading ‘Misinformation’

600 Physicians Say Lockdowns Are A ‘Mass Casualty Incident’

Free States Maintain Survival Advantage Over Locked States Even After Restrictions Ease
Growing Alarm Among Physicians about the Harm Caused by Lockdown
A Rising Tide of Medical Voices & Informed Citizens Denounce the Lies and Suppression of the Truth

California ER Physicians: Sheltering in Place Does More Harm than Good – Lowers Our Immune System

COVID-19: ‘We Don’t Want to be Governed by Fear Anymore’ – French Doctors & Academics Unite

Spontaneous initiative that unites scientists, doctors, lawyers and free citizens from all over the world.

The WHO Revised Covid-19 Infection_ Fatality Rate & the Great Barrington Declaration – Updated.


Dr. Sherry Tenpenny

World Doctors Alliance 

UK Medical Freedom Alliance

United Health Professionals






Covid-19 Prevent/Reduce Vaccination Side Effects – at a Glance

Covid-19 Prevent/Reduce Vaccination Side Effects

To prevent or treat Covid-19 in its early stages, essential nutrients are Zinc, Vitamins D, C and Quercitin. Bromelain and Glutathione are also recommended.   See Covid-19 Prevention and Early Treatment Protocols

If you, or someone you know, decides you or they need to get a Covid shot, please adequately assess the safety risks, the efficacy, and the benefits.  

These are additional naturopathic protocols beginning preferably two weeks before ‘vaccination’ and at least two weeks after: 



White pine needle Tea1-4                                     3 cups per day with lemon and honey or maple syrup. 

Zeolite5                                                                              1 heaped teaspoon (non-metal) in water 3 times daily

Montmorillonite Green Clay6                                Apply topically as paste at injection site 2 hourly



Herbal protection formula7                               5 mL twice a day

Immune Support Herbs8                                1 tablet twice daily with food 

Iodine9                                                            2-3 drops on an empty stomach twice daily in water



  1. White pine needle tea:  Pine needle tea is a possible antidote for spike protein transmission Making a strong hot water tea on the stove gives superior antioxidant activity.    Not recommended during pregnancy or while breastfeeding
  2.  Sources: White pine needle tea:    Dried White pine needle Tea 250g, anti-oxidant tea – AUS seller    The Tree of Love Shop Organic Pine Needles Tea. 
  3. How to make pine needle tea:  ‘Decoction’:                                                                                                                            2-3 Tablespoons dried pine needles gently simmered on stove in 3 cups of water for 20 minutes. Remove from heat and steep it for another 20 minutes (lid on, folded towel over the top to keep warm). Strain. Pour two cups in a small thermos, and save for later.  Drink the other cup with lemon and honey or maple syrup. Three cups per day. Or alternatively:
  4. ‘Stovetop Espresso Coffee Maker’:
    A stove top espresso coffee pot makes a stronger pine tea. Use 1/4 cup of ground pine needles in the filter basket of a 6 cup Espresso pot.  Fill the lower chamber with filtered water. Place on the stove top on medium heat. In a standard 6 cup pot you’ll have 3 servings of concentrated pine tea. Use 1/2 cup of this strong pine tea in your mug and then top up with water. Sweeten with honey to taste.
  5. Zeolite may improve immunity in Immunodeficient patients. Zeolite boosts immunity and detoxifies heavy metals and other posions.  Zeolite neutralises environmental and other medical pollutants. Zeolite is a chalky substance and needs a base to bind as a paste. It combines well 50/50 with montmorillonite or bentonite clay.   Sources:  The little BIG Store  Organic Ultimate Zeolite 300g (Quenda)      Some people report excellent results with this liquid extract Zeolite: ZeoActiv8 (50 mL)   ZeoActiv8 User Information Further information: Ph: 02 9844 5432
  6. Montmorillonite Green Clay Montmorillonite can adsorb viruses and proteins as well as chemicals and inorganic compoundsBentonite clay: 11 benefits and uses    Sources: Australian Wholesale Oils – Green French Clay    Australian Healing Clay – Bentonite Clay (and Zeolite)   How to use:   Internal: In a glass of pure water, sprinkle 1- 3 Teaspoons (not metal). Leave 5 -10 minutes and mix.  Drink plenty of water.  See: Bentonite – How to Take     Injection site: immediately after as a paste: eg 1 TBS clay to 1-2 TBS water. Prepare enough for two applications immediately before injection appointment. Apply as close to immediately after inection.  For best results, let it hydrate for a couple of hours. Apply, cover with 8×10 Antibacterial  Waterproof dressing (Elastoplast) or leave to dry in open air. Change after 20 minutes washing off with warm water.  Reapply and then change 2 hourly.  If you cant access montmorillonite, substitute bentonite clay. Can be combined 50/50 with Zeolite for internal use or as a poultice on the injection site.
  7. Herbal Protection Formula: See a natural health practitioner or medical herbalist for a liquid extract formula specific for your situation.   Start preferably two weeks or more before vaccination. Continue at least 2 weeks after, and preferably four weeks or longer. The aim is to support all bodily systems to maintain health and to respond optimally to known challenges.  As the COVID-19 vaccines are experimental, there are no guarantees of specific outcomes. You need to fully inform yourself of the risks vs the benefits of vaccination by consulting a trusted health practitioner and doing your own research.  The following is a sample liquid extract formula  from available knowledge and researchBaikal Scullcap (30 mL)  Dan Shen (30 mL)  Ginkgo (30 mL)  Rhodiola (30 mL)  Mushroom Forte (30 mL)  Pelargonium sisoides (30 mL)  Licorice (20 mL)  Some herbs may be contraindicated depending on other Medications you may be taking or specific factors such as any existing health issues, pregnancy etc.
  8. Ethical Nutrients Immuzorb Immune Defence  Promotes body’s immune defences with Andrographis and Zinc. Also contains Siberian Ginseng, Echinacea, and Turmeric.  Sources:   Natural Chemist – Immune Defence 60 Tablets    Australian Vitamins – Immune Defence
  9. Iodine: Because your body does not produce iodine, it needs to be supplied in the diet. Iodine can also be used to detoxify compounds and strongly increases the mRNA decay rate. It is an immune booster and antioxidant. Dose: 2-3 drops on an empty stomach twice daily in water, no later than 4 pm.  Sources:  Nourishing Ecology – Iodine Nascent 30 mL   SALTHAUS Detoxadine 30 mL 


Additional support information:  

22 December, 2021 – Dr. Mercola – How to Do the Spike Protein Detox

– If you had COVID-19 or received a COVID-19 injection, you may have dangerous spike proteins circulating in your body

– Spike proteins can circulate in your body after infection or injection, causing damage to cells, tissues and organs

– The World Council for Health has released a spike protein detox guide, which provides straightforward steps you can take to potentially lessen the effects of toxic spike protein in your body

– Spike protein inhibitors and neutralizers include pine needles, ivermectin, neem, Nacetylcysteine (NAC) and glutathione

– The top 10 spike protein detox essentials include vitamin D, vitamin C, nigella seed, quercetin, zinc, curcumin, milk thistle extract, NAC, ivermectin and magnesium


21 September, 2021 – How to Detox From The Vaccine and The Lies of Covid: Dr. Robert O Young  (video)


Herbal Protection Formula – target organs: 

Baikal Skullcap Dan Shen Ginkgo Rhodiola Mushroom Forte Pelargonium Licorice







Covid-19 Prevention and Early Treatment Protocols – at a Glance

Covid-19  ‘Over-the-counter’ natural prevention and early self treatment: 

Collated in response to community need by M. Harris and M. Gardiner.  

Please consult a health practitioner if symptoms persist beyond 2-3 days. 


Two options are provided. The first uses a convenient quadruple ingredient capsule and the second, allows you to purchase the individual ingredients to make up your own stack:

Protocol 1:  

Imuni Immune Defence – One twice a day;  Vitamin D3 1000IU two twice a day

Protocol 2:

Zinc elemental 25 mg one twice a day;  Vitamin D3 1000 IU two twice a day;  Vitamin C  500 mg one twice a day;          Quercitin 500 mg one twice a day



Elemental Zinc.  50mg                                                     2 times a day.1,7

Vitamin D3   2000iu                                                          2 times a day2 

Vitamin C   500mg                                                            2 times a day3,7

Quercetin  500mg                                                             2 times a day 4,7



Bromelain 250 mg                                                               2 times a day5,7

Glutathione 400mg                                                             1 time a day6





  1. Zinc: Source: Immuni Immune Defence: Ingredients:  Zinc 40 mg, Vitamin D3 1000 IU, Vitamin C 500 mg, Quercitin 500 mg. Supplement with Vitamin D3 1000 IU 2 times a day.   Higher levels of intracellular zinc may inhibit the replication of RNA viruses. Zinc role in Covid-19 disease and prevention.  
  2. Vitamin D3  Up to 40000 IU/ day.  Vitamin D status appears to be strongly associated with COVID-19 clinical severity.  Three New Studies Support Vitamin D’s Role in Preventing and Treating Covid-19. 
  3. Vitamin C  Best to use an alkalising form of Vitamin C such as sodium ascorbate. Source: Australian Organic Products   High Dose Vitamin C Has Successfully Treated 50 Moderate to Severe Covid-19 Patients
  4.  Quercitin     Bioceuticals Quercetain practitioner only Quercetin 600 mg  Bromelain  200 mg.  Antiviral Effects of Quercitin through Zinc Ionophore Activity  Quercetin chelates with zinc and acts as a zinc ionophore raising intracellular zinc levels and reducing viral replication. If Quercitin is unavailable, use Carusos One a Day green Tea extract
  5. Bromelain activates natural killer T cells and has a significant anti-inflammatory action. Source: Herbs of Gold Bromelain Forte   
  6. Glutathione may protect against the severe inflammatory response triggered by COVID-19 .      Sources: Quantum Healing Centre Glutathione 400 m  NAC (N- Acetyl – Cysteine) 300 m   Phosphatidyl Choline (Lecithin)  500 mg.  NAC is a precursor to antioxidant Glutathione. NAC is mucolytic with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.  Liposomal sublingual Glutathione is recommended for optimal absorption: Bioceuticals Liposomal Glutathione 100 mg  practitioner only.
  7. The Study of Quadruple Therapy Zinc, Quercitin, Bromelain and Vitamin C on the Clinical outcomes of Patients Infected with COVID-19.


Additional Information:



Green tea antioxidant ‘catechins’ could help suppress COVID: NTNU study