Globalism and Abusive Relationships

Increasing degrees of totalitarian control in our post COVID-19  ‘bio-security’ world is abuse on a global scale profoundly affecting both adults and children.

Exposure to extreme abuse arising from lockdowns, mask and vaccine mandates surveillance and coercion crushes a sense of personal value and worthiness.

Global predators , the perpetrators, systematically use a plethora of mass psychology strategies to create widespread unconditional obedience in order to further their plans as outlined in Lockstep, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030 and The Great Reset.

Being aware of the game plan of global control towards a centralized, technocratic world government allows us to transcend their psychological operations and build a future based on wisdom, compassion and personal power.



15 signs you might be in an abusive relationship [with governments and globalists as the abusers].

Take a moment and read the 15, considering how each applies re: the current world  situation.

From the Workplace Mental Health Institute.



Psychological Warfare | How the Tyrants Manipulate the Masses

September, 2021 – Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison on Human Rights and Freedom 


‘The Guy Who Decides COVID Restrictions’ (Satire)

‘The Guy Who Decides COVID Restrictions’ Part 2 (Satire)

Dramatic Melbourne arrest caught on camera (warning:disturbing footage)



Lockstep: The Rockefeller Foundation 2010


Research and articles: 

16 July, 2023 – What Happens to Vaccine Clinical Trial Participants?

Nowadays, I am often asked how I could accurately predict the course of the pandemic, and my answer each time is: “All of this was just an escalation of what the industry had done previously.” As the years have gone by, the industry has become more and more brazen in pushing unsafe and ineffective medications onto the market and paying off the government to gaslight the injured parties rather than fulfilling its obligation to investigate and pull the harmful drugs.

24 May, 2023 – Gaslighting: The American People Are Trapped in a Textbook Abusive Relationship

I don’t think it’s farfetched to say that we, the people of the United States of America, have been gaslit.

Does this sound familiar? Lockdowns that keep you away from friends and loved ones? Losing your income and becoming dependent on handouts doled out by the government? Being censored and mocked when you say anything that is not in line with the official narrative? Being treated like a crazy conspiracy theorist who should be punished because of the harm you’re causing to others if you refuse to go along?


21 April, 2023 – Open Letter To An Emotionally Abused World

We were unprepared for the propaganda and manipulation that were inflicted on us. Consider this list of signs that a partner is being emotionally abusive, and ask yourself how many of these behaviors were reflected in the official response by government and public health leaders, and the media, during the pandemic

Manipulation of the Masses – Strong and Free Canada

“In 1957 sociologist Albert Biderman developed a framework for understanding the methods foreign governments used to extract false confessions from American prisoners of war. It has come to be called Biderman’s Chart of Coercion. This is Biderman’s Chart as applied to how governments are using the same tactics in this fake pandemic to manipulate the masses.”

Bidermans chart of coercion


19 September, 2021 – COVID-19 and the Global Predators

“It’s just…” – Why I Won’t Submit

The Melbourne Syndrome

Is Systemic Gaslighting The Government’s Answer To Covid-19?

Gaslighting is affecting you, your relationships and your politics


Globalism and structural violence.

The structural violence of globalization

COVID Plans Include Family Separation & Involuntary Quarantine in “Camps”

‘Calamitous’: domestic violence set to soar by 20% during global lockdown.

COVID-19 and the rise of intimate partner violence

COVID-19, Authoritarian Neoliberalism, and Precarious Migrant Work in Singapore: Structural Violence and Communicative Inequality

COVID-19 Lockdowns and Domestic Violence.

Shutdowns Spur Mental Health Crisis in US, Experts Say

2,114 excess suicides from Canadians losing their livelihood to the lockdowns

Suicide Claimed More Lives in October Than 10 Months of COVID-19 in Japan, Report Shows

Lockdowns make lives poorer, not longer, new study finds


New normal oxymorons: Neglectful caring and compassionate tyranny

The tyrannical crime of “keeping people safe”



Mask Wearing is Ritualistic Submission.

The rise of Mask hysteria – what is the mask issue really masking?

Masks Are a Psychological Preparation for Mandatory Vaccinations


We Are Being Played

How has the planet been brainwashed into putting masks on four or five year olds to send them to school?

To ban funerals and weddings.,

To isolate the elderly to die on their own.,

To wear masks in cars when alone.,

To refuse entry to service for perfectly well people.,

How has the system manipulated us to accept things that don’t make sense?

The effect is to create enemies within our society to divide us.

All the while, our complying keeps us trapped.



A Killing of The Mind

How to Break Free from Fear Addiction

10 December, 2021 – Psychological Warfare | How the Tyrants Manipulate the Masses

Message To The Jabbed – Wake Up From The Spell Cast On Your Mind – David Icke Dot-Connector

Psychological Warfare: Know the Game Plan 

Dr. David E. Martin, PhD, “We have been had and we have fallen for arguing over their cover story.”

JP Sears: You’ll Own Nothing and Be Happy!? – The Great Reset

Klaus Schwaab: You’ll Own Nothing and You’ll Be Happy 


MASS PSYCHOSIS – How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL

The Manufacturing of a Mass Psychosis – Can Sanity Return to an Insane World?

It’s Happening Now But People Don’t See It – Roger Waters on Challenging Authority



26 August, 2023 – From Covid To Climate Change: Vehicles For Global Authoritarianism

During the lockdowns, numerous globalists and globalist connected climate researchers publicly expressed joy at the suggestion that covid lockdowns could be useful for reducing carbon emissions. The phrase “climate lockdowns” started circulating around major conferences and in various globalist funded studies.

These studies obviously show a precipitous drop in human based carbon emissions during the lockdowns, but still do not provide any evidence that man-made emissions actually cause climate changes. This remains the underlying con game of the climate narrative – climate researchers with access to billions in government funds and think-tank funds happily operate on the ASSUMPTION that emissions cause warming, when in fact they have zero evidence to support this position. Correlation is not causation.

26 August, 2023 – The global climate change cult and the war on the mind – 2

THE executive director of the Climate Emergency Fund (CEF) is Margaret Klein Salamon, an American in her mid-thirties. She is a clinical psychologist and therefore has been involved with vulnerable people suffering high levels of stress and anxiety. In her role in climate activism she appears to be using her experience to frighten vulnerable people.

17 August, 2023 – We’re Not Doing This Again

– The process of conditioning is fairly straightforward: gradually dial up the heat, until you run into resistance.                                                                                                                                      – Once you’ve pushed as far as you can go, and the resistance starts to materialize in force, back down; repeal the mandates, soften the requirements, allow some of the challenges to see victory; let the people feel like their complaints have been heard, and the tyranny is going to stop now.                                                                                                                                                 – Once the resistance has settled down, kick it back into gear again, and this time go a little further, a little faster, and see where the new boundary really lies.                                     – Winnow and exhaust the capacity and willingness to resist, fine-tune the propaganda and enforcement, and keep on pushing.                                                                                                    – Without compliance, they have nothing; they need to make you feel powerless, because you have all the power. Only you can decide to surrender it; only by giving in will you do so.

18 JULY, 2023 – Your TV is Nudging You to Decarbonise Your Lifestyle

The Behavioural Insights Team (BIT), using research from Sky, launched a report at the United Nations’ 26th Climate Conference in Glasgow in 2021. The report, “The power of TV: nudging viewers to decarbonise their lifestyle”, looked at how TV can change viewers behaviour without realising they have ever been nudged.

5 June, 2023 – 10 myths told by COVID experts — and now debunked

When a study did not support their policies, they dismissed it and censored opposing opinions.

At the same time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention weaponized research itself by putting out its own flawed studies in its own non-peer-reviewed medical journal, MMWR.

In the final analysis, public health officials actively propagated misinformation that ruined lives and forever damaged public trust in the medical profession.

28 August, 2022 – Understanding The Tyrannical Mind And How It Operates

Manipulation of the Masses – Strong and Free Canada

“In 1957 sociologist Albert Biderman developed a framework for understanding the methods foreign governments used to extract false confessions from American prisoners of war. It has come to be called Biderman’s Chart of Coercion. This is Biderman’s Chart as applied to how governments are using the same tactics in this fake pandemic to manipulate the masses.”

Bidermans chart of coercion

3 October, 2021 – COVID-19 and the Global Predators

8 Signs You Are Being Played


The Mass Psychosis That Now Grips The World…”The masses have never thirsted after truth”

America’s Multiple Personality Disorder

Twilight Zone: Golden Earring

The tyrannical crime of “keeping people safe”

Globalism and Abusive Relationships




Occupational Respirator Expert Proves Masks Cause Harm



The Landmark “Danmask-19 Trial”


The Fog of COVID War — Locking Down the Healthy

Critical Thinker! Done wearing a mask. 




Take Off Your Masks



Questioning Covid – Clinicians, Researchers, & Health Experts from Around the World Interrogating the Mainstream Narrative Around the Pandemic

‘TRUTH’ With RFK, Jr. and Jeremy Hammond: Mask Wearing


Mask Mandate is Unlawful


Efficacy Research/Articles:  

14 February, 2024 – CDC’s Own Scientists Found Masks Ineffective for Covid-19 but Recommended Them Anyway

Officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention openly questioned the findings of its own scientists’ studies contradicting the agency’s public messaging about mask effectiveness

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) own scientists conducted studies showing N95 respirators are no more effective at stopping viruses than surgical masks — yet the agency issued guidance contradicting those and other studies showing both types of masks are ineffective at stopping the spread of COVID-19, according to an investigation by independent journalist Paul D. Thacker.

CDC’s Own Scientists Found Masks Ineffective for Covid-19 but Recommended Them Anyway.pdf


12 September, 2023 – AAPS Statement: Mask Mandates Do Not Prevent Spread of Respiratory Viruses, They Cause Harm, and Violate the Right to Informed Consent

The AAPS statement of Patients’ Freedoms provides that patients have the right to be informed about the risks and benefits of any medical intervention, and have the right to refuse medical treatment.

The use of masks and other face coverings, as a public health measure or otherwise, are a type of medical intervention to which the above informed consent rights apply.

Government recommendations and mandates regarding face coverings have been contradictory, provided to the public as authoritative without evidence, are in conflict with the available data, and neglect to mention any potential harm from use of coverings or masks.

8 September, 2023 – Zeynep Tufekci’s Unseemly Collusion With Cochrane Officials to Attack Scientists Is Falling Apart

Quoting the Cochrane review’s lead author Tom Jefferson, Smerconish noted that Fauci and others “were convinced by nonrandomomized studies, flawed observational studies.” In an error-riddled New York Times essay last March, Tufekci excoriated Jefferson for daring to publish this research—all without disclosing that she has a long track record of lobbying federal agencies for mask mandates.

23 August, 2023 – PSYOP-23 Rising: Mk Ultra Masking IS Effective (At Mind Control)

But before the next lockdowns and slow kill bioweapon boosters come the MK Ultra masks…

And yet, anyone who is even semi-literate in matters of science, or the opposite of “Trust the Science,” knows full well what the true efficacy of the facial compliance diapers are; to wit: (see embedded ‘Human Hair video)

8 April, 2023 – Were masks in hospitals a waste of time? Hated NHS policy made ‘no difference’ to Covid infection rates, study finds

  • Experts at St George’s Hospital found masks made ‘no discernable difference’ 

  • The infection rate remained unchanged even when the mandate was removed

Cochrane Library: Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses (Review)

” Wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of laboratory-confirmed influenza/SARS-CoV-2 compared to not wearing masks (RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.72 to 1.42; 6 trials, 13,919 participants; moderate-certainty evidence)”

6 February, 2023 – 78 Studies Show: Very Little Evidence that Masking Works

The Cochrane Review poured over 78 mask studies and concluded there was little to no evidence that facemasks provide any efficacy against viral transmission.

First, a note about the Cochrane Review (in their own words):

The Cochrane Library contains high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. It includes reliable evidence from Cochrane and other systematic reviews, clinical trials, and more. Cochrane reviews bring you the combined results of the world’s best medical research studies, and are recognized as the gold standard in evidence-based health care.



Data analyst Ian Miller – author of Unmasked: The Global Failure of Covid Mask Mandates – prepared a graph for a previous City Journal article that Tierney reproduces in his article “because it’s a visual confirmation — from nationwide data, not clinical trials — of the conclusions in the Cochrane review”.



22 February 2022 – Denial of Reality – Today’s American Mental Illness

For the first time, one of the most prominent left-wing “news” outlets, The New York Times, actually published a scathing indictment of the religion of maskism, citing the Cochrane Library report. The piece by Bret Stephens, titledThe Mask Mandates Did Nothing. Will Any Lessons Be Learned ?confronts head-on what is essentially an expression of fanaticism by a truly crazed segment of American society that includes many of the most highly educated and financially successful among us. His conclusion is clear: Wearing masks has helped no one and has only caused harm.

3 February, 2023 – Cochrane Review shows COVID face masks are worthless: Wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of influenza-like illness (ILI)/COVID-19 like illness

16, January, 2023 – The Tragic Consequences of believing Anti-Science

11 August, 2021 – Do Masks Work?

” Surgical masks were designed to keep medical personnel from inadvertently infecting patients’ wounds, not to prevent the spread of viruses. ”

Landmark Study Finds Masks Are Ineffective

Mask Mandates Are Absolutely Useless

1,537 surgeries with masks versus 1,551

Masks Don’t Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy

Postoperative wound infections and surgical face masks: A controlled study



8 August, 2021 – The Case Against Masks for Children

Mask Harms in Kids: 68% of Parents Report Alarming Psychological and Physical Problems In First-of-its-kind Study

Mask Harms in Kids_ 68% of Parents Report Alarming Problems In..pdf

Censorship vs the science regarding masks

Case for Mask Mandate Rests on Bad Data – The Wall Street Journal

Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers

Medical Masks: JAMA 


7 randomized controlled trials show masks don’t stop infection… but let’s mandate them anyways!

Masks Don’t Work: A Review of Science Relevant to COVID-19 Social Policy

New Meta-Analysis Raises Doubts That Masks Work To Prevent COVID Infection and Transmission

WHO Admits: No Direct Evidence Masks Prevent Viral Infection

Nonpharmaceutical Measures for Pandemic Influenza in Nonhealthcare Settings—Personal Protective and Environmental Measures

The use of masks and respirators to prevent transmission of influenza: a systematic review of the scientific evidence

Physician and Medical Journal Editor Healthy People Should Not Wear Face Masks

More Evidence Masks Don’t Work to Prevent COVID-19

COMMENTARY: Masks-for-all for COVID-19 not based on sound data

Mask studies found ‘no evidence’ they stopped transmission of flu

Conclusion Regarding Masks – They Do Not Work.pdf

Physicist explains why face masks may stop spitballs but can’t stop COVID

Physicist explains why face masks may stop spitballs but can’t stop COVID.pdf

A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers

A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers .pdf

Study Fraudulently Claims SARS-CoV-2 Is Mainly Airborne

Why Won’t Anyone Publish the Danish Mask Study?








Safety Research/Articles:

31August, 2023 – Masks, bacterial pneumonia and the “Spanish flu”

My research team, an epidemiologist, a microbiologist and I, showed in 2020 that masks have the effect of incubating bacteria to quickly expanding colonies on the inside surface of facemasks and in the warm, moist airspace between a mask and the airways.  Welcome, bacteria; here’s your comfortable home.  Worse yet, the air hunger resulting from stifled breathing causes more labored and deeper inhalation, which drives bacterial overgrowth deeper into the lungs than an unmasked person would experience.

30 August, 2023 – COVID-19: What’s in Your Mask? by Dr. Jane Orient of the AAPS

If you are planning to pull out your mask again as some jurisdictions consider new mandates, you might want to ask what it’s made of.

Many have been found to release toxic levels of TVOCs (toxic volatile organic compounds, as the graph below illustrates.

28 August, 2023 – MASK TOXICITY – German study exposes dangers of CO2 re-breathing – neuron death & learning impairment (children), stillbirths & birth defects (pregnant women), testicular toxicity (adolescents)

On March 3, 2023, a German team published an extensive review of MASKING during the COVID-19 pandemic that should put the final nail in the coffin of masking & mask mandates.

The Kisielinski Study

A German team, led by an Independent Surgeon in private practice, published a large review of MASK use during COVID-19 pandemic.

It has 172 references.

3 March, 2023 – Possible toxicity of chronic carbon dioxide exposure associated with face mask use, particularly in pregnant women, children and adolescents – A scoping review.pdf

28 August, 2023 – ‘Face masks may raise the risk of stillbirths, testicular dysfunction and cognitive decline in children, an ‘explosive’ new study has claimed.

The surgical N95 mask has been held up as the gold standard when it comes to protecting against Covid

But a study quietly re-shared by the National Institutes of Health in spring suggests the tight-fitting mask may expose users to dangerous levels of toxic chemicals.

Researchers from Jeonbuk National University in South Korea looked at two types of disposable medical-grade masks, as well as several reusable cotton masks. 

9 May, 2023 – The Harm caused By Masks

July, 2018 – Surgical masks as source of bacterial contamination during operative procedures

June 30, 2021 – Experimental Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Content in Inhaled Air With or Without Face Masks in Healthy Children

June 30, 2021 – Experimental Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Content in Inhaled Air With or Without Face Masks in Healthy Children A Randomized Clinical Trial

“We measured means (SDs) between 13 120 (384) and 13 910 (374) ppm of carbon dioxide in inhaled air under surgical and filtering facepiece 2 (FFP2) masks, which is higher than what is already deemed unacceptable by the German Federal Environmental Office by a factor of 6. “


15 June, 2021 – A Group Of Parents Sent Their Kids’ Face Masks to A Lab for Analysis. Here’s What They Found

Medical Journal Warns About Masks’ Potentially Devastating Consequences:

Facemasks in the COVID-19 era: A health hypothesis

Healthy People Should Not Wear Face Masks 

A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers

Physician and Medical Journal Editor: Healthy People Should Not Wear Face Masks

Physician and Medical Journal Editor Healthy People Should Not Wear Face Masks.pdf

Masks: Informed Choice Washington

Blaylock Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy

A study on infectivity of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 carriers

The use of masks and respirators to prevent transmission of influenza: a systematic review of the
scientific evidence

The use of masks and respirators to prevent transmission of influenza.pdf

Effects of long-duration wearing of N95 respirator and surgical facemasks

Countering mandates:

Mask Mandate – Fighting for Our Rights & Freedoms

Mask Mandate is Unlawful (video)

Coronavirus: Georgia governor bans cities from `ordering people to wear masks

North Carolina Citizens Defy Proposed Mandatory Mask Law – City Council Stunned by Turn Out Backs Down

North Carolina Citizens Defy Proposed Mandatory Mask Law — City Council Stunned by Turn Out Backs Down.pdf

Face Mask Opt-Out: Religious and medical exemptions to face masks any human being can use to protest COVID immorality

Notice of Exemptions From Mask and Face Coverings

Notice of Exemptions From Mask and Face Coverings –

How to wear a face mask without breathing through a face mask

How to wear a face mask without breathing through a face mask –



Hypothesis Face Mask Induced O2 Depletion and CO2 Enrichment Elicit Fear and Anxiety

How the New York Times Lies about SARS-CoV-2 Transmission_ Part 3

The rise of Mask hysteria – what is the mask issue really masking? pdf

Face masks turn us into voiceless submissives – and it’s not science forcing us to wear them, it’s politic

Mask wearing is ritualistic submission

Is evidence masks don’t work being purged from the internet?.pdf

The rise of Mask hysteria – what is the mask issue really masking.pdf


2,114 excess suicides from Canadians losing their livelihood to the lockdowns

new study from the University of Toronto predicts 2,114 excess suicides by the end of 2021 due to COVID-19 lockdowns. By excess, they mean above and beyond what would normally be expected in Canada.

And there were already enough. According to Statistics Canada, suicide is the 9th leading cause of death in the Great White north, with 3,811 citizens taking their life in 2018.

How will corona containment measures be the cause of this 50% increase in suicides over the next 18 months? “Macroeconomic indicators, notably unemployment, are significant moderators of suicide,” says the abstract. It goes on to describe how an observed correlation between unemployment and suicide would affect the “one-in-ten working-age individuals” who “lost their jobs or worked less than half their usual hours as a result of the widespread restrictions imposed in March 2020.”

What’s even more concerning is that this study only forecasts suicides based on unemployment. Other factors such as social isolation would also contribute to suicides rates, would they not? And this is still not including death from poverty and malnutrition which also rises with unemployment.

2,114+ deaths. All to (supposedly) protect seriously ill people at the end of their life from a virus that tests show, again and again, is no more deadly than a severe flu season.

Mainstream media has convinced people that one is being compassionate by supporting lockdown. Please share this, so that their compassion may move them to do a little more research. Don’t let others shame you into silence.