Why Are We Vaccinating Children Against COVID-19?

Mass and/or mandatory vaccination of children with unproven experimental COVID injections has very low, if any, benefit to healthy children who rarely become infected.  The risk of adverse  events is very substantial.

Parents and children are emotionally manipulated into believing that the child ‘vaccine’ will ‘protect’ grandma and grandpa, when the risk of transmission from asymptomatic children is zero or extremely negligible. Children are being asked to sacrifice their lives for the sake of the elderly. 

We are moving towards approval of mass vaccination of our children with an experimental inoculation which does not stop infection or transmission. ‘Protection’ is unproven. Injury and death rates to children are unknown. The risks may be substantial. The benefits to children are very low or perhaps non-existent.

What is this doing to children’s psyche? We are introducing fear of contagion, and restricting and interrupting their childhood learning and socialisation. Some children may feel guilty that they are stopping their parents going to work, and fearful that they could become responsible for hurting grandma and grandpa.

If a mother tests positive then her children are ‘close contacts’ and all their classes and their teachers must be PCR tested and isolate until the results are known. 

These ‘COVID safe’ mandatory policies are disrupting working parents incomes and jobs, children’s education and teachers careers and incomes in an unpredictable, random and chaotic way.

Tracking, tracing, testing, isolating and quarantining is impacting  mental and physical health, wellbeing and learning of children  as well as incomes and job security of parents.

Widespread PCR Testing of school children may produce false positives of 80% plus which in turn may build the support for ‘Provisional Approval’ (in Australia) or ‘Emergency Use Authorisation’ (In America) of experimental mRNA and DNA injections.

Children have substantial dangers from COVID vaccines of long-term reduction of natural immunity, as well as injury and death. 

Why on earth would we contemplate mass, and possibly mandatory COVID vaccination of children? 



14 December, 2021 – Why is Covid-19 Vaccination of Children an Unforgivable Sin?

This is an extract of Geert Vanden Bossche’s interview with Doctors for Life Philippines, where he talks about the importance of the natural immune system for children, and why mass vaccination in children is unforgivable.

1 December, 2021Dr. Angelina Farella Reports Pfizer’s Clinical Trials For Covid Shot Saw Huge Numbers of Children Develop Pericarditis

17 November, 2021 – Vaccines Kill More People than they Save 



6 December, 2021 – Zero COVID Deaths Among Healthy German Kids Ages 5 to 11, Study Shows

“A new study from Germany showed extremely few deaths among healthy children overall — including zero deaths among children 5 to 11 — suggesting some studies are designed to distort the risk to kids.”

3 December, 2021 – The real agenda behind mad dash to get every child on the planet injected against a virus that won’t affect them

Bill Gates’ Gavi Vaccine Alliance in 2018 published a paper on its INFUSE program that ought to be required reading for every parent of young children.

This document is guaranteed to give pause to any parent considering taking the advice of Dr. Anthony Fauci, their local public-school nurse or government-compliant pediatrician who insists they get their child jabbed.

10 August, 2021 – Why are we vaccinating children against COVID-19?


• Bulk of COVID-19 per capita deaths occur in elderly with     high comorbidities.
• Per capita COVID-19 deaths are negligible in children.
• Clinical trials for these inoculations were very short-term.
• Clinical trials did not address long-term effects most relevant to children.
• High post-inoculation deaths reported in VAERS (very short-term).

COVID-19 Experimental Injection Adverse Events Updates – Nov., 2021

image source: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-393X/9/10/1186/htm



27 November, 2021 – The Sporting Athletes Video – Reality Not Rarity! – No More Silence – Telling Our Stories

27 November, 2021 – Ballina, NSW Freedom Rally  – Adverse Events count




14 January, 2022 – The stunning increase in myocarditis rates after the vaccines rolled out


21 December, 2021 –  Here’s Why mRNA COVID Vaccines Might Be Messing With Our Innate Immunity

19 December, 2021 -What the VAERS Data Tell Us About COVID Jab Safety


Days after vaccination; CDC data for deaths up to June 18, 2021. 

COVID Vaccine Deaths on days 0,1, 2:   1,736   Total: 4,812 

Total COVID Vaccine Deaths as of November, 2021: 19,532

VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports


8 December, 2021 – Investigation finds 278% increase in Worldwide Heart Attack Deaths among Soccer Players in 2021 so far

6 December, 2021 – 120 Teens Hospitalized, 3 Dead Following Pfizer Vaccine Rollout for 15- to 17-Year-Olds in Vietnam

2 December, 2021 – Australia: 11x Post Covid Vax Deaths Than All Vaccines Combined Since 1971

1 December, 2021 – They Were High-Performing Athletes … Until COVID Vaccines Destroyed Their Health

25 November, 2021 – 89% of Covid-19 Deaths Among the Fully Vaccinated – Latest Data

23 November, 2021 – New Study From Germany Confirms Higher Vax Coverage –> Higher Excess Mortality

18 November 2021 – Everyone Missed This One… Vaccinated People Are Up to 9X More Likely to be Hospitalized Than The Unvaccinated

20 October, 2021 – Data Proves Covid-19 Deaths Rose Rapidly AFTER Vax Roll-Out In 40+ Countries


Smallpox Vaccination: Fraud, Force and Folly



Smallpox Deaths UK 1838 – 1922


Historically, smallpox and polio were considered undeniable proof that vaccines worked, but were we told the truth?  

From the graph above, the data shows:

So is there another explanation for why these diseases disappeared?  The history of smallpox vaccination policy has been driven by ongoing fraud, force and folly.



Edward Jenner (1749-1823) is credited as the founding father of smallpox vaccination. He documented 23 cases where people who presented with what was diagnosed as cow pox, were later inoculated with smallpox, and appeared not to get the disease.

There was no comparative control group who didn’t get the inoculation. 

Jenner’s claims were based on slender experimental evidence and some of the information presented was incomplete and misleading. 

Lifelong immunity from smallpox was initially claimed. However, as smallpox occurred prominently among the vaccinated, re-vaccination was then implemented after seven years. By 1914, this “immunity” period was shortened to 6-12 months! 


Smallpox Deaths, Leicester, UK, 1872 –  1922 vs smallpox vaccination coverage 


The greatest smallpox epidemic in Leicester (1870- 1874),  coincided exactly with the period of greatest vaccination.  Smallpox deaths declined thereafter even as vaccination rates plummeted. 

On 23rd March 1885, what became known as the Great Demonstration against compulsory vaccination took place in Leicester, UK. The march of 100,000 people stretched for two miles.

That same year, the Leicester government was replaced with a new government opposing compulsory Vaccination. By 1887 vaccination coverage rate dropped to 10%.



“After this evidence that smallpox vaccination didn’t work, the people of Leicester in the English midlands refused to have the vaccine any more. When the next smallpox epidemic struck in the early 1890s the people of Leicester relied upon good sanitation and a system of quarantine. There was only one death from smallpox in Leicester during that epidemic. In contrast the citizens of other towns (who had been vaccinated) died in vast numbers…Doctors and drug companies may not like it but the truth is that surveillance, quarantine and better living conditions got rid of smallpox – not the smallpox vaccine.” – Dr. Vernon Coleman, MB


So how was the fraud maintained? A person who was vaccinated and then came down with the disease that they were supposedly “protected” against, was simply recorded under another name. From 1904 to 1934 in England and Wales, 3,112 died of chicken pox and 579 died of smallpox according to the health records. In other words, people who have been vaccinated for smallpox and had later come down with the disease were classified in the health records as having chickenpox.

Using this strategy, the WHO started its campaign to eradicate smallpox in 1958, in the same year they named an infectious disease monkeypox. According to the WHO, the disease was clinically indistinguishable from smallpox. This correlates well with the findings of George Bernard Shaw:



Monkeypox is still an active disease today. By claiming a monkey could be a vector they hid the fact that the smallpox could be the cause of the infection. This was the basic framework for the Global Smallpox Eradication Campaign. Over the past 20 years ten Central and West African countries have reported that monkeypox cases have risen exponentially.

The last reported case  of death from smallpox, was the medical photographer,  Janet Parker, in 1978. Conspiracy surrounds the case. Her father died of a heart attack in quarantine. Her mother supposedly contracted smallpox after being vaccinated and the head of the lab, were Janet had been employed, committed suicide by cutting his own throat. As a result of this case, the WHO instructed labs to destroy their smallpox stock.  It was suggested that the existence of these labs posed a threat to the success of the Global Smallpox Eradication Campaign. 

The WHO has subsequently used the myth, that smallpox had been eradicated, to give credentials to the whole vaccine program worldwide. Most people now believe that vaccines have saved us from the most dreaded infectious diseases. They have no idea that the real decline in infectious disease deaths was due almost entirely to improved sanitation, clean drinking water, nutrition and higher living standards. 




In the UK in 1840, as doctors and citizens realized that smallpox vaccination was not what it was promised to be, vaccine refusals increased. Governments passed various laws to force people to be vaccinated. 

The United Kingdom Vaccination Act 1853 made it compulsory for all children born after 1 August 1853 to be vaccinated against smallpox during their first 3 months of life. Parents who failed to get their children vaccinated would be subject to a fine.

In Leicester the number of prosecutions for non-vaccination grew from two in 1869 to 3,000 in 1884.  Fines were fiercely enforced. Police collecting a fine from one Arthur Ward threatened his pregnant wife with prison. The argument sent her into premature labor and the child was stillborn. 

The compulsory vaccination law was repealed in 1907. By 1919, England and Wales had become one of the least vaccinated countries and had only 28 deaths from smallpox out of a population of 37.8 million people.

According to official figures of the Registrar General of England, 109 children under five years in England and Wales died of smallpox between 1910 and 1933. In that same period 270 died from vaccination. 

Massachusetts, USA, in 1855, took the most advanced stand ever taken by any of the states and enacted a law which required parents or guardians to cause the vaccination of all children before they were two years old, and forbade the admission of all children to the public schools of any child who had not been duly vaccinated.  Parents who did not vaccinate their children by age 2 faced a fine of $5 yearly (about $156 in today’s dollars). 

New Jersey, 1906, 30,000 pupils and teachers were forced to submit to vaccination. Twenty teachers and hundreds of pupils who refused, were suspended. Many of those vaccinated became seriously ill. 


To maintain the prestige of the medical profession and themselves, the government put the full force of their powers to legislate compulsory vaccination.  They used public funds and the power of the police to enforce inoculations on the unwilling and defenseless. 



“Smallpox vaccination has always correlated positively to epidemics in the countries that collected data in the vain hope of proving the vaccine’s worth.”  Dissolving Illusions” by Suzanne Humphries, MD and Roman Bystrianyk

In Leicester, UK, reports of deaths and outbreaks created doubts about the effectiveness and safety of vaccines. There was a growing list of complications attributed to vaccination. The 1871-72 smallpox epidemic provided a vivid example to the townspeople, as some 3,000 cases occurred and of these 358 died. Some of those dead had been vaccinated according to the law.

In Boston, the same situation was occurring.  Massachusetts data began in 1811 and showed that, starting around 1837, there were periodic smallpox epidemics. Following the 1855 mandates, there were smallpox epidemics in 1859–1860, 1864–1865, and 1867, culminating with the infamous epidemic in 1872–1873. These repeated smallpox epidemics showed that the strict vaccination laws instituted by Massachusetts had no beneficial effect. 


Boston smallpox mortality rate from 1811 to 1926.


Smallpox Statistics We Were Meant to Forget:

From the beginning of the 20th century in England we find that there were similar numbers of vaccine-induced deaths to smallpox deaths, except in the case of children under 5 yrs of age, where the vaccine proved much riskier than smallpox itself. 

1911-13: Comparison of smallpox and vaccination deaths.

  • Smallpox deaths = 42,                                                    Sp. vaccination deaths = 31.
  • Smallpox deaths in children under 5 yrs = 8,       Sp. vaccination deaths = 30


Smallpox vaccines were proving themselves to be neither safe nor effective. Epidemics were increasing in severity in the wake of vaccination. Correspondingly, they were decreasing as vaccination rates declined.  Improved living conditions were having a better effect and had all but wiped smallpox out. 

With exquisite irony, a 1972 smallpox outbreak in Yugoslavia was halted through use of the Leicester Method. This involved rapid quarantining of cases and contacts, as well as, cleaning of the houses.  – while the authorities vaccinated 18 million citizens in full knowledge of its ineffectiveness. Vaccination had to be implemented if the story of ‘vaccine success’ was to be upheld. 

The folly was always, the belief that you could safely inject some infective agent, of highly dubious toxicity, into the body of a healthy individual, or a really seriously unhealthy individual. This was to prevent, or mitigate the severity of, an illness that was already reportedly mild in most developed nations, or in many countries non-existent.

The risk of contracting the illness had to be outweighed against the risk of the vaccine. Taking the vaccine into your system, exposed you to all the potential side effects, including serious injury and death. 

The only way this scenario could ever be accepted was to deny alternative methods and alternative policies,  censor any knowledge of adverse events, and ‘discover’ an illness almost identical, and name it ‘monkeypox’. 


The legacy of the smallpox story lives on in our understanding and acceptance of vaccines today. “Vaccines save lives and adverse events are rare” still frames the belief system driving vaccine compliance.


Vaccination programs and anti­biotics have mistakenly been given all the credit for  declines in killer diseases such as smallpox, cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis, dysentery, etc. Most or all of the credit belongs to better hygiene, sanitation, hous­ing, and greater resistance to disease thanks to improved economic conditions and better nutrition. 

In fact, many keen observers commented that it may have been because of how OBVIOUS it had become that the smallpox vaccines were spreading smallpox, that the WHO (World Health Organization)  was motivated to cease the vaccination program but credit it for the eradication!


Has smallpox been eradicated? Was it eradicated from laboratories? What does Bill Gates say about the global future of  smallpox?


6 November, 2021 – Bill Gates warns terrorists will try and use smallpox as a biological weapon as he bids for billions in funding to prevent future pandemics

5 November, 2021 – Video – Bill Gates warns of “bioterrorist smallpox pandemic”  


Further Information: 

20 May, 2023 – Smallpox Vaccine Recipients Died From Heart Inflammation, Autopsies Find

The CDC admitted that 1 in 175 recipients of the ACAM2000 vaccine (which the buyers had hoped would be safer than the older Dryvax vaccine) developed myocarditis. If you consider that every military service-member had to receive a smallpox vaccine starting in 2003 (and prior to the early 80s) , there could have been up to 50,000 cases of vaccine-induced myocarditis.

14 April, 2023 – The smallpox pandemic response was eerily similar to COVID


16 January, 2020 – ‘Stop the slaughter of the innocents’: Meet the anti-vaxxers of 1919 


Epidemic Start: 

They assign all symptoms to a single disease Smallpox ‘causing’ a ‘smallpox epidemic’

Epidemic End: 

They re- assign all the symptoms to other diseases , thus ‘ending’ the ‘smallpox epidemic’

They attribute the ‘wiping out’ of smallpox to the vaccine.  

What is Graphene Oxide?


2 December, 2021 – Graphene COVID Kill Shots: Let the Evidence Speak for Itself


(37) International Network of Lawyers, the CV19 crisis is a Fraud and those Responsible will be sued (37/39)

17 July, 2022 – Graphene Hydroxide in the mRNA Vaccine Vial: Assassination of Dr. Andreas Noack









16 July, 2021 – What Is Graphene Oxide?  – David Icke

9 July, 2021 – Stew Peters and Dr. Jane Ruby: What Is Graphene Oxide?


Graphene Oxide Causes Loss of Taste, Smell, “Covid” Symptoms (Part 1)

The Graphene Oxide & 5G Connection (Part 2)

Nutrition Protocol To Deactivate & Neutralize Graphene Oxide



14 July, 2023 – FDA confirms Graphene Oxide is in the mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines after being forced to publish Confidential Pfizer Documents by order of the US Federal Court

In early January 2022, Federal Judge Mark Pittman ordered the FDA to release 55,000 pages per month, and since then, PHMPT has posted all of the documents on its website as they have been published.

One of the most recent documents published by the FDA saved as 125742_S1_M4_4.2.1 vr vtr 10741.pdf, confirms the use of Graphene Oxide in the manufacturing process of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. ( page 7)

9 June, 2023 – National Nanotechnology Initiative Specifically Speaks of Covid 19 Bioweapons As “Nano Technology Enabled” And Plans Many More Nanotechnological “Vaccines”

Of note, many of the synthetic biology bio-sensing modalities, graphene oxide and nanoelectronics, brain computer interface, nanotechnology and graphene for water purification (hence contaminating the water supply), nanotechnology for food production and pharmaceutical delivery as well as every other aspect of life – are also discussed in this funding request. Note the plan to develop a nanotechnology universal vaccine.


2 December, 2021 – Graphene COVID Kill Shots: Let the Evidence Speak for Itself




28 July, 2021 – Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide

(37) International Network of Lawyers, the CV19 crisis is a Fraud and those Responsible will be sued (37/39)

15 June, 2022 – Is Graphene Oxide Inside COVID Vaccines Causing Blood Clots?

29 August, 2021 – Dr. Robert Young Finds Graphene Oxide in All Four Vaccines and Other Disturbing Ingredients


Image: carbon cluster reduced Graphene Oxide https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/transmission-electron-microscopy-reveals-graphene-oxide-in-cov-19-vaccines

20 August, 2021 – Scanning & Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines

Graphene: A New Generation Supermaterial

28 July, 2021 – Graphene Oxide The Vector For Covid-19 Democide 

21 July, 2021 – Graphene-based “neuromodulation” technology is REAL: Press release from INBRAIN Neuroelectronics describes brain controlling biocircuits using AI-powered graphene

8 July, 2021 – INBRAIN Neuroelectronics and Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany Collaborate to Develop the Next Generation of Bioelectronic Therapies

5 July, 2021 – Find out how La Quinta Columna discovered the connection between graphene oxide and electromagnetic fields

15 January, 2021 – CN112220919A – Nano coronavirus recombinant vaccine taking graphene oxide as carrier – Google Patents (China)


Toxicity of graphene-family nanoparticles: a general review of the origins and mechanisms..

“GFNs can induce acute and chronic injuries in tissues by penetrating through the blood-air barrier, blood-testis barrier, blood-brain barrier, and blood-placenta barrier etc. and accumulating in the lung, liver, and spleen etc.”


July/August, 2018 –  Graphene Biointerface Optically Controls Heart Cells

UCI ‘grant funded’ experiments discovered they could control the heartbeat of a mouse, speeding it up or down remotely by way of graphene.

7 April, 2016 – Graphene induces spontaneous cardiac differentiation in embryoid bodies



How To Raise Glutathione Levels

Suramin -The Antidote for COVID-19 Vaccination with Dr Mikovits (video) 

Pine Needles are the best natural source of suramin


Former Officer Warns Military of Pitfalls Surrounding COVID Vaccine Mandate

Former Officer Warns Military of Pitfalls Surrounding COVID Vaccine Mandate

© [24/11/2020] Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

How Will We Know That a COVID-19 Vaccine is Safe?


COVID Vaccine Safety Concerns

“© 12/17/2020 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.

Further Information from Children’s Health Defense:

COVID-19: The Spearpoint for Rolling Out a “New Era” of High-Risk, Genetically Engineered Vaccines: Children’s Health Defense

Components of mRNA Technology “Could Lead to Significant Adverse Events in One or More of Our Clinical Trials,” says Moderna • Children’s Health Defense


Problem with Covid-19 Vaccine Robert f Kennedy