COVID-19 Injection Adverse Events Updates – May, 2023

22 August, 2023 – Shock revelations shake global medical establishment as 74% of sudden deaths linked to the toxic killjabs.

Our landmark paper with autopsy evidence (largest ever) showing 74% of sudden deaths post COVID-19 vaccination were caused by the vaccines, was censored within 24 hours by a top medical journal! (Lancet)

LATEST NEWS (I am a co-author and adjudicator): The paper is cur- rently on the Zenodo server (Swiss server operated by CERN — European Organization for Nuclear Research) It currently has over 79,000 downloads and 95,000 views. (

1 June, 2023 – Did Karlstad et al. show existence of myocarditis in 23 million Nordic residents after the mRNA technology based gene injection? Yes! Participants were obtained from linked nationwide health registers

in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden; both first and second doses of mRNA vaccines were associated with increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis; highest in males 16-24, post 2nd dose

24 May, 2023 – ‘More Vaccine Doses Linked to Higher Rate of Infant Mortality’; Multiple vaccines administered concurrently have also been shown to increase mortality.

In all nations, a causal relationship between vaccines and sudden infant deaths is rarely acknowledged. Yet, physiological studies have provided biological plausibility by showing that infant vaccines can cause serious health conditions.

May 19, 2023 – Subramanian et al. reported that increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States; IMO, this was a very wrong interpretation

”  The Subramanian et al. graph itself was showing an association, once interpreted optimally.” “One may deduce that not only is it not true that there is no relation between the two variables in [1], as their title states, or that the association is “marginal”; indeed, there is a very strong positive association.”


18 May, 2023 – True Scale of Heart Death Crisis Hidden by Inflation in ‘Expected’ Number of Deaths

Annually about 1,500 people are killed on Britain’s roads. Just imagine if that figure increased by 5,000, there’d be the most awful fuss! Yet, it’s likely that across England heart failure deaths could be 5,000 higher in 2024 than in 2020 and still no ‘excess’ deaths would be recorded. How could this be?